Part 8

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Later that night.

Like Kakyoin had thought, his parents where snuggled up on the lounge together watching a movie. He couldn't be bothered to pay attention to what was on. The cherry-haired boy sat in his room watching his parents from the short distance, waiting for a perfect time to strike. His plan was simple to get rid them, and in the end he would just cover it up as suicide. The boy placed on a pair of gloves that were sitting next to him.

Kakyoin got off his bed. Breaking his gaze towards his parents, and peeked under it grabbing a long rope, holding it firmly in his hands. He then sat himself up on the bed again, continuing to watch his parents. Minutes had passed and his step-mother had gotten up walking towards the bathroom, this was it although he had to be quick when doing so. Kakyoin stood up with the rope in his hands, walking towards the back of the couch his father was seated on. Quietly treading across the wooden floorboards.

Then another idea struck his mind, he stopped in front of his doorway and took a deep sigh whilst walking back into his room heading to the drawer underneath Jotaro's things. He fumbled around in there for a few seconds and pulled out a bubble pack of dirty pills, they looked like they were over due their date. He simpered, looking pleased with himself. His heart was racing as he tried not to laugh loudly, "these were the pills I was originally planning to knock out Jotaro with and 'take him home'. Happy I didn't do that now.." Kakyoin muttered shoving the pills into his pocket. 

He went over to his doorway and peeked around the corner at his dad, it seemed his mother were back as well. The red-head then treaded lightly across the floorboards "do you guys need anything?" Kakyoin inquired, the couple paused whatever they were watching and cocked their heads his way. "Get us some booze to share, and open the cap for us whilst you're at it. Don't be long" His father replied playing the TV again, and both his parents turned their heads back to the illuminous light. 

Kakyoin walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge. He pulled out a cold beer, the coldness of it burning his hand slightly. Then he looked around in a drawer for a bottle-cap opener, soon he found one and opened the beer, crushed three pills and put them inside. He picked up the bottle and swayed it to mix them in. And soon he was ready to give the drugged beer to his parents. 

He then headed into where his parents were, handing his father the bottle. Mr Kakyoin snatched it off of him before fixing his eyes back on the TV, "go to your room I don't want to see you for the rest of the night." Kakyoin nodded and headed back to his room, trying to hide an uncontrollable grin. Little did they know it was their final night alive, this might be the first night he's truly felt alive. The lonely boy was longing for the moment the pair of them would drop dead.

20 minutes had flew by, 20 minutes of staring at his parents until they were out cold. He knew they hadn't had fallen asleep because his step-mother had exclaimed she felt terribley ill before going into a deep sleep, his father had said something similar to that as well. Kakyoin grabbed the two pairs of rope that was besides him, his clear cloves rubbing against the cuts on his wrist. He stood up and hurried towards his parents unconscious bodies, he looked up at the railing above to the next floor. "Too easy" he remarked aloud. 


He had tied the rope around his parents necks, and now that was all left to do was throw them off the 2nd floor. Kakyoin held his step-mother ready to throw her off, "I said I'd torture you. But I guess this is how it will end, you better be lucky I won't dig up your grave and fish you out just to have one more dance like what you did with me." The boy said pushing her off the ledge, her neck made a sickening snap. Kakyoin looked down at the piece of art that hung below him, she looked far more beautiful like that. Now it was time for his sickening father, "I don't know where you went wrong, but what you did was no excuse." He tightened the hangman knot around his dads neck and threw him off the edge, he awaited for another loud snap before heading to bed.

But before he did he went down the get a better look at his now long dead parents, once he did he looked at them hanging from the railing above the couch where they were before. Watching a movie together, when they had no clue what was going to happen tonight. He yawned, surprisingly tired after tonight's killings. As though a big weight was lifted off his shoulders.


 He awoke to the sound of his of alarm, Kakyoin rushed into the lounge room to check that last night wasn't just a sweet dream. The boy let out a relived sigh, thank goodness it wasn't. He let out a blood-curdling scream of excitement as he jumped around his living room, finally he was free of the endless suffering they made him go through. But he had to act quickly, perhaps he could pull off that he was crying when he found them like this? Yes, that would be perfect anyone with a brain would believe that. 

The red-head ran over to his phone and dialed the police.

"110, what's your emergency?" The operator spoke calmly.

"My parents.." he sobbed, breaking out into tears. He hesitated before speaking again to see if she bought it.

"What's that matter with your parents are they alright?" She stammered, it seemed she was worried as well.

"They.. hung themselves!" Kakyoin then began wailing, as though he was a baby who needed his bottle of warm milk. 

The lady on the other end of the phone began speaking softly to him, "it's going to be alright we will send an ambulance and police your way just tell us your location." And so he did, after they had finished talking his sobbing was beginning to slowly turn to laugher. "God, that was top tier acting! I even scared myself there." The cherry-haired boy complemented himself, now that was all left to do was wait for everyone to arrive. But before he did he began cleaning up at the evidence the night before


A police officer sat him down to talk about the incident.

"Were your parents showing any signs of depression of other mental illness lately?" He spoke firmly to Kakyoin with a slight hint of sympathy behind it. The boy nodded, "ever since my mother had passed away he was always sad.. really sad from then on. It pained me to see him like that. But my step-mother had always been sad from the minute I met her. So yeah I guess so"

The officer nodded, "thank you. Now do you have any family you can go to? It's obvious you cannot stay here with no one to look after you." Kakyoin thought for a minute then an idea flooded his mind, "I have no family since my mother and fathers side are very small and most of them have passed away but I have a friend I can stay with?" The man slowly nodded.

"Yeah alright, that's fine you can stay there until we figure out what to with you. Do you need a ride there?" The boy shook his head, "no it's okay sir it's actually right around the corner from here." The officer nodded once more before standing up and Kakyoin did as well, "Alright then you can leave we will come around to you in the next few weeks to check on you and such, okay?" He insisted. "Okay, thank you."

He packed a bag of things he needed and left the house quickly, walking to Jotaros house at a fast pace. I hope they'll let me stay for the time being.. Kakyoin thought to himself looking at the large, familiar house that was in sight. 

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