Part 9

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After Kakyoin had left Jotaros house he decided to go back in his room to go back to sleep, once he made it there he let himself fall onto his bed. The black haired boy closed his eyes whilst resting his left hand on his forehead, everything seemed out of place recently. Kibe gone. Oba mad at him. Kakyoin his new friend. "What the fuck is going on..." he sighed whilst rubbing his tired eyes, slowly drifting off into a light sleep.

Suddenly there was a loud knock, "Jotaro!" his mother called out although she didn't sound like her usual upbeat self. Her voice was shaky as though she was on the verge of crying, his eyes shot open as his heart beat began racing as he made his way towards his door to open it. He was greeted by the sight of Holly with irritated eyes like she had been crying for a solid 20 minutes before coming to him. "What's wrong..?" Jotaro asked, he was dying to hear the answer yet some part of him didn't want to hear it as well.

"Its.." she hesitated taking deep breaths as she held onto his doorway as though she was about to pass out any minute, the boy looked at her intently. He felt like he was about to throw up, whatever had her worked up as this bad was something horrifying. "Its Joseph.. he passed away last night" Holly spoke softly as she caught her words for a few seconds then began crying again, she slid down his doorway and sat at the bottom of it like her legs gave up on her. 

Jotaro stared at his mother, expressionless, his lips parted as his breathing got heavier. He was lost for words, Kibe was gone now the old man? Disbelief slowly turned his face into a mess. The boy ran past his mother with watery eyes. He didn't know where he was going nor did he care, Jotaro ran onto his porch. There wasn't many places to go whilst he was like this anyways, he sat down near the door and closed his eyes. Pondering for a long few minutes before he passed out. The last few days had hit him like a truck, he was unprepared for any of this. Even if he was prepared nothing could have helped him for this moment.


40 minutes later, Jotaro was being nudged. He opened his eyes wearily to reveal his mother sitting down next to him, she gave him a small smile. There was nothing to say to her, except for one thing that lingered in his mind. How was he killed? Natural causes? Murder? If it was murder then it was most likely the same bastard who killed Kibe, "Hey mum? How did he.." He hesitated looking around before finishing his sentence quietly "...pass away?"

She didn't bother making eye-contact with him. Instead she gave him a very straight forward answer, "murder, they say it was pretty gruesome. But none of the cops who told me won't actually tell me how he was murdered yet.." Jotaro nodded, he didn't know how to reply to that. Yet if it was pretty gruesome they said it was definitely the same person who murdered Kibe, whoever had done these killings... he hated them more than anyone.

"I think I'm going to sleep the day off, I'm fucking exhausted from these past few days." The boy exclaimed standing up slowly, his whole body ached. He quickly glanced at Holly before leaving, "alright" she responded. Jotaro opened the door and made his way over to his oversized room for a kid his age, yet again he flopped onto his bed and flung his hat off into some corner then buried his head in his pillow before drifting slowly off to sleep.


The next day, the passing of Kakyoin's parents.

Jotaro awoke to the sound of someone bashing on his door, it felt like whoever it was had been doing it for minutes on end. He got out of bed and headed straight to the door with sleepy eyes, it was quite a surprise. Kakyoin stood at the front of his door looking happier than ever.

"What are you doing here..? Kakyoin?" Jotaro asked looking puzzled, the happiness looked like it was washed away from the red-heads face. "Oh! I am so sorry for coming here unannounced.. its just that something terrible has happened at home.." Kakyoin said looking down at his shoes, his face unreadable. "If you don't mind me asking why did you come here and what happened?" he questioned, "I was wondering if I could stay a few days or something because my parents.. committed suicide last night." The boy began tearing up, '...and I don't really have anywhere else I can go! All my other relatives are either dead that.. or I haven't even met them so please let me stay!" he sobbed looking at Jotaro with hurting eyes.

"Oh.. yeah of course come in. I'm sorry for your loss" he had no clue how to help comfort the poor boy, Jotaro stepped aside to let him in and closed the door behind themselves. My mother is gone for a while because she's busy doing other things" he knew what other things she was dealing with yet he thought to tell Kakyoin when they were both settled in, as it would be too much for Kakyoin at the moment. After his small breakdown at the door.

"Here give me your bag I'll put it in the guest room, it's right next to my room if you get lost later on." Jotaro told him heading down the hallway leaving Kakyoin all alone on the couch by himself.


Kakyoin watched Jotaro walk down the hallway where his room was, luckily the performance at the door was good enough to let him stay a few days. He then started zoning out, drowning in his own thoughts but before he knew it Jotaro was back as he sat on the lounge in front of him. "Can I get you anything? Tissues or water? From y'know before or something.." the other boy asked, "oh no I'm alright.." Kakyoin responded. The black haired boy nodded and then began to speak again. 

"So remember the other night when we couldn't find my grandfather? Joseph? We actually found out he passed the other night" Kakyoin looked up at him, he was infuriated why couldn't he and him just talk about themselves without some annoying person who was no good to the world getting in the way?

"Oh my.. thats terrible I'm truly sorry for your loss, Jotaro." The boy spoke softly giving him pure eyes like he had no clue that had happened, "would you like to talk about it?" he asked. Jotaro shook his head, "no its alright I would be prefer to actually not talk about it. I've already had a tough enough morning talking about it with my mother actually.." Kakyoin clenched his fists as he realized that most of their conversations were about his killings and not themselves. Something about that made him want to curl up into a ball and never speak to him again.

"Of course, that's no problem." Kakyoin responded giving him a smile, and for once Jotaro returned it with a slight smirk. "There's just been so much death lately around me, its tiring, really. I wish I could just take a long break from it all, y'know?" Jotaro exclaimed with a long sigh. 

The boy nodded in agreement, "yeah I know.." he said in reply. Although one of the best ideas had hit him, something that he has never thought of. "Hey are you hungry?" Kakyoin asked giving him a warm smile.


Oba Kyoko began walking up to the Kujo household. It had been a few days since Jotaro and him had talked, since Oba had snapped at him. Now he stood in front of his door, he knocked waiting to see the tall black-haired male answer the door. Instead it was that Noriaki Kakyoin kid, he answered the door with a huge smile painted amongst his face. "Hi?" Oba greeted him, confused.

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