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~11 years ago,~

"Careful, Hanna," Amalia said. She watched as little Hanna struggled to make a stitch in the fabric, gripping her embroidery hoop. Hanna was tugging on the needle with her tiny thumb and forefinger, but it was stuck amongst the thread. "Ouch!" Hanna yelped. She finally pulled the needle through the fabric, but in so doing, it jabbed her finger. She immediately dropped the hoop and needle on the little table the two girls shared.

"Oh, Hanna. Are you alright? Let me see," Amalia said, reaching to grab her sister's hand. But Hanna pulled her hand away.

"No! It's okay. I'm fine," she said.

"Just let me see it," said Amalia. She got up to grab Hanna's hand to check her finger and saw a tiny drop of blood on the tip of it. "I thought so," she said. Amalia then took out a small handkerchief and pressed it to Hanna's finger. "Maybe you should stop here," she said.

"No! I have to do this!" Hanna argued.

"Hanna don't be silly. You're gonna get blood all over the pattern," said Amalia.

Hanna pouted.

"Hey," Amalia said softly to her sister. "You can just try again tomorrow. Okay?"

Hanna didn't answer. She looked at the table at the two embroidery hoops, avoiding eye contact with Amalia. "Yours is pretty. Why can't I make mine like yours?" she asked, sadly.

Amalia placed her other hand on Hanna's head. "Hanna, you- "she began to say, but she was interrupted by Cal's voice coming from the other side of the door.

"Amalia! Where are you, dear?" he called.

"Papa's home. He's calling you, again," Hanna said glumly.

At that moment Cal walked into the room. "There you are!"

"Hello, Father," Amalia said, standing up to greet him.

Cal went up to Amalia and took her by the hand. "Father's really tired, darling. He's wanted to hear your beautiful piano playing, all day. How about you come play it for him, heh?" he said.

"Sure, Father," Amalia said. They exited the room, leaving Hanna by herself. She sat at the table looking at her embroidery and needle. As tears started to sting her eyes, she was lifted into the air. Her mother had just come into the room and picked her up in her arms.

"Come, Hanna," Mrs. Engel said. She carried Hanna to her room where she sat her down in front of the mirror. Mrs. Engel then took a silver brush and started running it through Hanna's hair, gently. Hanna looked sadly into her reflection, wishing she could see someone else there.


The party guests were now starting to clear out of Casita, saying goodnight to one another. Hanna was walking slowly down the stairs. Her head was still reeling from what just happened and she was trying not to trip. She was holding onto the hand that Camilo had kissed so sweetly. She had never met anyone that she could be so open to before. Instead of trying to cheer her up when she was sad, Camilo listened to her. Instead of saying she would be alright, he acknowledged her pain. Not to mention the way he treated her with such tenderness. In turn, he was honest with her about himself. He had opened up to her. And now they had agreed to see each other again! She couldn't wait! On top of all that, he had a magical power to shapeshift! In her mind, Camilo was just incredible, even if he didn't think so. Hanna was just at the foot of the stairs when Amalia appeared in front of her.

"Where have you been? I was worried," she said.

"Oh, Lia. Hey," Hanna said, breathlessly.

Amalia looked at her sister closely. "What happened to you? Your face is bright red!"

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