Bruno's Vision

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Camilo was by Hanna's side, stroking her hair as she rested her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed and her hands in her lap. Not long after the troubling scene at dinner, he was on the balcony of the Casita, worrying if she would be alright going home with her father being in the state that he was in. He had tried reasoning with himself that her mother and sister were there and wouldn't let anything happen to her. But the next thing he knew, Dolores was running to his side, looking heartbroken.

"Camilo!" she said, desperately. "It's Hanna! She needs you!"

Camilo felt a chill down his spine, fearing the worst.

"Where is she?" he demanded.

"In the open fields! Where you had your first date!" said Dolores.

Camilo didn't say another word and bolted out the door. He didn't think he'd ever run so fast in his life. When he found Hanna, he was overcome with a mixture of emotions when she collapsed into his arms and finally succumbed to tears. He felt relief, for she was physically unharmed. Sadness, for she was hurting emotionally. Anger at her father for hurting her this way. Joy, for he now knew that she trusted him entirely. She said she loved him, which made him want to cry tears of happiness. And then came the overwhelming passion as she kissed him so fiercely. He discovered there was something about a kiss after professing love to each other that almost felt intoxicating. But he could tell that Hanna was very vulnerable in that moment. He needed to take a step back. When things had calmed down, he sat with her for a while, giving her time to relax.

Eventually, Hanna opened her eyes to see the stars were already shining brightly.

"Camilo," she said.

"Yeah?" Camilo asked, gently brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"I can't...go back," said Hanna. "Not now."

Camilo thought for a minute about what she meant and asked, "You wanna stay over at my house tonight?"

Hanna lifted her head to look at him. "Can I?" she asked.

Camilo nodded. "Of course," he said. "We've got a room you can use."

Hanna smiled. "I'd like that," she said, softly.

They got up and walked quietly back to the Casita. When the two of them were inside, they were met up with Dolores who sighed in relief at the sight of Hanna.

"You are welcome here anytime," she said to her. She put her arm around Hanna's shoulders. "You must be exhausted. I'll show you the room you can stay in."

"Thanks so much," said Hanna.

Dolores then looked over at Camilo and said, "Sorry to do this to you, but...maybe you should go tell her mama. Just in case. I'll make sure she gets settled in."

Camilo hesitated at first, looking at Hanna, but then he nodded in agreement. He turned around to head back out when Dolores said, "And tell her that Amalia is okay too."

Camilo questioningly looked over his shoulder at her. In the process, he briefly saw Hanna look down at the floor, frowning to herself.

"Okay," he said while shrugging. He was out the door again and made his way across the bridge to the summer house. When he made it there, everything was quiet. Almost all the lights were off except for one in the corner on the first floor where the living room was. Camilo almost rang the doorbell but thought better of it and ended up knocking quietly on the door instead.

After waiting for about a minute, the door opened, and Mrs. Engel peered out from the other side.

"Oh! It's you, Camilo," she said, quietly. She opened the door wider and stepped outside to join him while bundling herself up in her shawl.

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