A Storm Brewing

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Camilo and the others were now returning to the summer house without speaking to one another. He was having trouble processing their previous conversation. Isabela tried to assure Hanna that even though Camilo loves to tease others with his Gift every so often, he knows that pulling such a stunt wouldn't be funny at all. Luisa was kind enough to remind her that they didn't know if it was even possible. But ever since Amalia had planted the idea in his head, it was all Camilo could think about.

"There's just no way..." he said. "I can't just change into someone who's...not alive anymore."

"Have you ever tried?" Amalia asked.

"No!" Camilo answered, completely appalled. "I use my Gift to help people! Maybe to make them laugh! But never to traumatize them!"

"Camilo, it's okay. We believe you," said Hanna, gripping his shoulder.

"Yeah! I'm not saying you should do it," said Amalia. "But just because you've never done it before...doesn't necessarily mean you can't."

Everyone was silent for a moment for they had no argument.

"Agustín said this man was like Father, right?" Amalia asked. "Did you see what he looked like?"

"No," Camilo replied. "But...Tío said he had a scar on his eye."

Hanna stared at Camilo. Amalia put a finger under her chin in thought.

"You...don't even know what your Abuelo looked like?" Camilo asked in surprise.

"Father never kept any pictures in our house," said Hanna, sadly.

"But I think there is one somewhere," said Amalia.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"The letter he got came with a picture," she said. "An old family photograph, I think. Mother insisted that Father keep it, but it was stored somewhere out of plain sight. It could be stuffed in one of the books that got carried over here."

She paused before she added, "I can go into Father's study to look for it."

"You'd go through all that trouble?" Camilo asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You don't understand. Just the idea of seeing our father get so emotional to the point of tears is truly mind-boggling to me," said Amalia. "Now, I don't know your uncle very well, but I'm willing to bet that there is some significance to his visions. I personally think it's worth digging into."

"You sound like Mirabel," said Camilo.

Isabela and Luisa grinned knowingly at each other. "He does have a point," said Isabela with a smirk.

"But couldn't it be one of his brothers too?" asked Hanna.

"It could be," replied Amalia. "But we'll know for sure once I find that picture. Just leave it to me."

Hanna looked questioningly at Camilo, but he just shrugged.

When the group finally made it back to the bridge, Agustín, Cal, and Marie were still waiting outside in front of the house. Marie looked up and smiled as she saw Camilo by Hanna's side.

"Oh, look! They're back already!" said Agustín, happily.

"Sorry about the sudden disappearance, Papa," Isabela said.

"Nothing to apologize for," Agustín said, waving a hand. "What matters is that everyone is back safe and sound."

Cal however was the only one who wasn't smiling. He looked expectantly at Amalia who understood that he wanted to talk with her, right at this minute. Without hesitation, she went up to face him directly.

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