A Surprise Visit

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"No! Forget it!" Isabela said, incredulously.

"Por favor?" Camilo asked one more time.

It was now midday and Camilo was outside helping Isabela carry loads of freshly picked corn, all the while bickering with her. "Why do you wanna use my garden for a date when Antonio has a jungle for a room? I think that's perfectly romantic!" Isabela argued.

"I can't use my little brother's room! That would be weird!" Camilo argued back.

Isabela gave him the side-eye. "What exactly is your plan?" she asked.

"I told you!" Camilo said. "I just need a nice, calm, beautiful place so that Hanna and I can talk alone!"

"Well, what's wrong with your room, then?" Isabela asked. "She's already been inside it before! Hasn't she?"

Camilo blushed heavily. "That is...out of the question! And my room is not beautiful!" he said, completely flustered.

Isabela looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "Oh, come on, Camilo! I don't know what you're getting so worked up for," she said. "Hanna would be just fine."

"I'm not using my room! End of story! Okay?" Camilo argued. "Please? Do it for her!"

Isabela didn't respond. "Please?" Camilo asked once more, calmly this time. "I just want to make her happy. She deserves that. She deserves to be in your garden."

Isabela continued to stare at him. She softened her expression ever so slightly. "I suppose when you put it that way..." she said. Then she pointed at him, warningly. "You'd better not trample on anything. Got it?"

Camilo grinned, excitedly. "We won't! I promise!" he exclaimed. "Thanks, Isabela! You're the best!"

Isabela rolled her eyes at him but gave him a half-smile at the same time.

When they made it back inside the house, Luisa came up to them. "Have you guys seen Papa around?" she asked.

Dolores, who was up on the balcony, answered, "I think he said something about taking the Engel Family on an outing today."

Camilo's eyes widened. "Wait! What? Why didn't you say so!?" he exclaimed at her. He quickly set his basket of corn down and dashed out the door towards the village. He didn't even bother to stay and listen to what Dolores was trying to tell him. His only thought now was to find Hanna, pull her aside, and tell her to meet him at the stone bridge tonight and they would head for the garden oasis together. It was going to be perfect. They would be in a beautiful, private spot, alone. Just the two of them. His stomach was jumping with excitement. He looked all around as he made his way through the crowd. Eventually, he found Agustín who was being accompanied by Cal and Amalia.

"Huh?" Camilo said. He couldn't see Hanna or the mother with them. 'Maybe they're nearby,' he thought. As he approached them, he could hear Cal talking to his uncle.

"The unlimited number of natural resources in this land is simply remarkable, Agustín!", he said. "I think you would do well to start industrializing this place immediately. Make it a little more...modern. Wouldn't you say?"

"Eventually. But it'll be a slow process," Agustín reminded him. "And there is still room for doubt that it's a good idea."

"Nonsense, my good man!" Cal said, with a grin.

As Cal and Agustín continued to engage one another in conversation, Camilo addressed Amalia. "Hi," he said to her. Amalia turned to look at him.

"I'm Camilo. Isabela's cousin," he said.

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