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That evening, the Madrigals were sitting around the table enjoying their dinner when Alma stood up for an announcement. "Mi Familia," she said. "We are all thankful to our community for so graciously helping us make our visitors feel welcome here. It seems they have gradually taken to this magical land and our Casita with surprising grace, to say the least."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"And I have spoken with Agustín about when we will let the Engel family see that we also have a...Gifted family," Abuela said. Agustín nodded his head towards her with a smile. "It has been decided that we will invite them over for dinner in two days' time to show them," she added.

"Thank goodness," Pepa said in relief. "If it weren't for the fact that I'm not so stressed these days as before, it would not have been so easy to hide my cloud!"

Félix patted her lovingly on the back and she smiled at him. Isabela, Luisa, Mirabel, Antonio, and Dolores all glanced over at Camilo who glanced back at them. They knew that one member of the Engel family was already aware of their Gifts thanks to him. Then Dolores's gaze at Camilo turned into a scowl.

"You can just leave the explanations to me, Abuela," Agustín said, kindly. "They are acquainted with me the most after all. And I'll be sure to make everyone in the family... look good!"

"Very well," Alma said with a chuckle. "If you're sure you don't mind. Okay, that is all for the announcements. La Familia Madrigal!"

"La Familia Madrigal," chimed everyone. As the kitchen was starting to clean itself, Camilo stood up and went out to the entrance of the house and saw Mirabel already going up the stairs. "Mirabel," he called.

Mirabel turned to look at him. "Hey!" she said while smiling at him. "I meant to ask you if you talked to Tío Bruno."

"I did," Camilo said.

"Oh good!" said Mirabel. "And was he helpful?"

"Yeah. Thanks," Camilo said in a rush. "But I kind of... still wanna talk to you."

Mirabel looked at him curiously and said, "Sure. What's going on?"

He then confessed how he pretended to be her to get inside the summer house and see Hanna. Mirabel's eyes widened and she pursed her lips. She then grabbed Camilo by the ruana and dragged him into his room to talk in private. When they were inside, Mirabel stood facing him. "You what?" she asked quietly.

In one breath Camilo said, "You know how it was Dolores's idea to go disguised as you so that the sister wouldn't know that Hanna was going on a date with a boy? Well, today the mother invited you into their house to see Hanna and so I went in disguised as you. And so now, she and the sister are convinced that you and Hanna are close friends."

When he had finished, there was dead silence. Mirabel stared at him. "But...I was in town at the time," she said, slowly. "I saw Papa with Hanna's father and sister and...I think they saw me with Abuela."

Camilo's stomach plummeted. "You did?" he asked, hoarsely.

"Yes!" Mirabel answered. "Camilo! I didn't mind that you posed as me the first time, but this is not good! They're gonna know about your ability to shapeshift the day after tomorrow! Papa just said he's trying to make our family look good! Maybe Hanna won't say anything for your sake, but what do you think could happen when the mother tells the father and Amalia that I was in their house when they literally just saw me in the town?"

Camilo said nothing but he stared at her as if she had just clubbed him on the head. He knew for a fact that the sister would not be pleased. He worried about how her reaction would affect Hanna.

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