Camilo's Confession

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With his hand tightly in hers, Camilo led Hanna down the trail which led to the village, only to stop part of the way to take a left turn. Now they were practically running down a grassy hill. When they got to the bottom, they came to a halt, both gasping for breath. Camilo finally looked up to see the forest of wax palms. He checked on Hanna at his side, who was staring up at the tall trees in wonder. When she looked over at him, questioningly, he smiled at her and said, "Vamo."

They stepped through the opening in the trees until they were standing in Isabela's garden oasis.

Hanna gasped at the sight in front of her. The garden was overflowing with plants of all shapes, sizes, and colors. There was a rainbow of columbines, orchids, honeycomb flowers, cacti, jacaranda trees, and marmalade bushes. There was a pond with giant lilies gently floating in the water. Though it was dark, a few of the plants seemed to give off a soft, purple luminosity, so Camilo and Hanna could see where they were going. Fireflies sparkled here and there among the flowers and trees, also helping to light up the path.

"Wow," Hanna whispered, completely entranced. "It' beautiful." She looked over at Camilo who was smiling at her.

"Yeah," he said. The two of them slowly walked hand in hand along the path, looking around.

"Isabela sure is amazing!" Hanna said, breathlessly as she looked down at the light reflecting on the skin of her arm. "How did she do this?"

"Don't know. It's just magic, I suppose," Camilo replied while shrugging.

When they approached the pond, Camilo took the quilt he was carrying and spread it down on the grass. He then gestured for Hanna to sit first before he sat himself down, next to her. They sat together in complete silence with their arms wrapped around their knees, gazing into the other's eyes. Camilo was captivated by Hanna's face as it glowed softly in the light. 'Wow,' he thought to himself. He then gestured with his hand for her to come closer, causing her to blush, slightly. When she did move, he pulled her in beside him with one arm around her shoulders. Her head now rested on his shoulder and his cheek on her head. With his other hand, Camilo took hers and laced their fingers together. Hanna relaxed into his shoulder and closed her eyes. The two of them cuddled together for several long minutes, enjoying each other's closeness, and allowing the waves of addictive bliss to wash over them. Camilo could feel the tiny movement of Hanna's shoulders and chest as each deep breath she took became synchronized with his own. He would've given anything to be in this moment with her forever. When he eventually opened his eyes, he decided that it was finally time to talk.

"Hanna," he said in a low voice.

"Hm?" Hanna said, opening her own eyes.

Camilo loosened his hold on her to have her look at him directly. When they were face to face, he said, "Earlier you said... that you feel like I'm always helping you... and that you do nothing for me."

Hanna frowned a little, but she nodded.

"I don't believe that's true," Camilo said.

Hanna looked at him in surprise. "You don't?" she asked, quietly.

After a pause, Camilo asked, "You remember when we were in my room?"

"Yes," Hanna said, simply.

Camilo looked down at his lap. "When you asked me to show you who Camilo is, I was...completely surprised by that. In all honesty, no one has...ever said that to me before," he said.

He paused again for a moment and glanced up to see Hanna was listening with rapt attention. "And then... I told you that I wasn't confident in doing so," he continued. "I didn't know how. Because all I've ever known was being the funny kid who could shapeshift into anyone and everyone for laughs. Or... shapeshifting because I wasn't tall enough on my own...or for any other reason. There were also times when I wondered if my Gift really was even... helpful. It was only after losing our miracle once that I... truly began to understand... the downside to my Gift. That being other people all the time... was making me feel...lost in my own skin."

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