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Brea woke up, tangled in Nancy's arms, and two confused twelve year olds at her door, starring. "Brea, what the fuck am I seeing?" Mike spoke, already knowing the answer. Brea looked around the room, looking for any reason to escape this. "We were drunk and fell asleep" "Yeah I know that, but why the fuck were you cuddling or whatever?" Mike asked.

"Mike, I very well know that you have cuddled with Will in your sleep, so don't even pretend that what we're doing is out of the ordinary" Brea laughed out loud at Nancy's tired and hungover words. Will and Mike looked at one another, Mike flipped Nancy off. "Just don't let mom see this, I guess." Mike rolled his eyes, giving his words of advice, and he walked away.

"Well good morning Nance." Brea whispered, hugging Nancy tighter and hiding her head in Nancy's shoulder. "Good morning to you too Brea" Nance whispered back to the shorter girl she held in her arms. "Would you be up for a field trip?" Nancy asked suddenly.

Brea looked up, confused. "What do you mean by that?" "Well, do you remember last year when El closed the gate?" Nancy questioned, to which Brea nodded as a response. The girls both sat up, continuing their talk.

"Well, Mike told me about these... 'memories' Will has been seeing from the week he spent in the upside down, and Mike doesn't think they're regular memories, it's like hes seeing them in the moment, like he's living them in the now, not the past." Nancy messily explained what Mike had told her in her hungover state.

"And I think Hawkins' Lab, or, "Hospital" now I guess is responsible for this." Nancy claimed with a proud look on her face. "Isn't Hawkins' Lab where Will has been going for treatment?" Brea asked, as Nancy vigorously nodded her head. "Yes! Yes it is!" Nancy confirmed "But first, we have to figure out a way to get in there and get a confession out of Dr. Owens" "And get Hawkins Lab shut down! Holy shit Nance you're a genius!" Brea said as she hugged Nancy.

"And if Will is having these 'now memories', does that mean that there is a gate open somewhere in Hawkins?" Brea asked, concerned for the well being of the very town she's lived in for the past four years. "Yeah, it also means that..."

Nancy looked down at Brea's lips, and then back up at her eyes. Brea leaned in and kissed Nancy. The kiss lasted longer then the previous one the day before, it was sweeter, with more passion laced into the kiss.

Brea removed her lips from Nancy's, smiling at her and laughing lightly, butterflies in her stomach. For once she didn't feel guilty about them, she was happy they were present, and that she was able to tell Nancy everything.

"I have an idea." Nancy spoke, rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen. Brea looked confused, but followed her to the kitchen anyways. "We need to call Barbs parents" Nance said in a hurried tone as she picked up their home phone and dialled Barb's parents number.

"Hello? Who might this be?" Barbra's mother answered the phone. "Hey, Mrs. Holland, me and Brea were wondering if you could meet us at the park?" Nancy asked Mrs. Holland. "Yeah of course Nancy, is there something going on?" Mrs. Holland asked. "No, nothing, gotta go, bye!" Nancy rushed, abruptly hanging up on Mrs. Holland

"And now, we wait" Nancy spoke with a coy smile on her face. "Anyways, where the fuck is Steve?" Nancy questioned, confused. "No clue" Brea answered "He should've been here by now to be honest, school starts in an hour" Nancy replied, looking Brea up and down.

"Shit, I forgot you might need clothes to change into..." Nancy spoke, dumbfounded, as Brea just laughed. "Your laugh is cute" "Thank you" Brea muttered with a smile on her face. "I'll get you a sweatshirt and some jeans, then we can wait for Steve to get here?" Nancy proposed. "Sounds good!"

Nancy and Brea walked up the stairs to gt dressed for the school day, allowing Brea to look through her closet to pick out clothing for herself to wear. She picked out a generic pair of blue jeans and a striped white and black shirt. She thanked Nancy for the clothes, and left the room to change.

Once both of them were finished getting ready, they headed down the stairs and sat in the living room for a little while, simply waiting for the door bell to ring so they could get to school on time. Once the clock hit nine in the morning, they realized Steve had ditched them to be late to school.

"Guess we should walk then?" Brea questioned, as Nancy nodded with a disappointed look on her face, wondering what she did wrong, or simply what had happened at the party the night before. Did she kiss Brea in front of him? There were too many possibilities to rule it down to one or two.

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