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Nancy walked quickly, not wanting to be late to her job. Everybody that worked at the Hawkin's post was mainly older people, nonetheless, they were still horrible people. Normally commenting on how attractive it was that she was dating a girl. They were likely in their fifty's, maybe even forties.

The only person that worked there who happened to not be a total dick, was Hawkins very own Johnathan Byers. He worked as a photographer for the small newspaper, capturing every photo with ease. He truly was a talented person when it came to photography.

Nancy walked into the meeting room, where all of her older colleagues sat, coming up with cover page stories to share in their newspaper. Each idea was stupid, and quite bland. They had no idea which stories would captivate the town with curiosity and wonder.

She handed her colleagues the food they had asked her to grab them earlier in the day, giving her a set time to be back by, which thankfully she was back earlier then expected.

They all purposed ideas to their boss, yet not a single one he accepted. Nancy went to leave the room, before stopping in her tracks, about to purpose an idea to put in the local paper.

"What about the mall?" She asked, turning around to face everyone, who all just looked at her like she had two heads. She was used to getting looked at like that in public spaces, especially her place of work.

"I'm sorry, what?" their boss asked, "Well, everyone loves the mall and all, but nobody sees the downside of the mall, which is all of the businesses downtown going out of business and such-" She rambled about her idea, only to be cut off by Bruce, one of the main people qo had been harassing her since she started there.

"How about, you go back to answering calls, and leave us to come up with the ideas, sound good Nancy Drew?" He mocked.

Nancy hated the nickname she'd been given by him. Once Bruce started calling her Nancy Drew, everybody and their mothers had started calling her that name. She absolutely despised it, wishing Bruce had just closed his mouth before even speaking.

Nancy's lips fell into a straight line, as she turned around to walk away. "Oh! And while you're at it try to solve the mystery of the missing mustard!" Bruce spoke, removing the top half of his sandwich to reveal the missing condiment. Nancy ignored it, walking out of the conference room.

Eventually everybody had left the small building that belonged to the Hawkins Post. The only people left being Johnathan - who was currently in the red room developing photos - and Nancy, who was working at the front desk, mindlessly day dreaming about what she would do when she got home.

She thought about inviting Brea over, laying on her bed and laying there holding her. Maybe they would watch a horror movie? Who knows. But she knew se wanted to see Brea once her shift was over. She missed her girlfriend.

The familiar sound of the telephone rung, snapping Nancy out of what ever kind of trance she was in. She stood up, walking over to a small table that belonged strictly to the phone, and picked it up.

"Hello, this is Nancy Wheeler from the Hawkins Post!" She greeted whoever was on the other line.

"Hello, Nancy you said it was?" The lady on the other line spoke. Her voice was scratchy, like a grandmothers. Nancy assumed it was an elderly woman speaking.

"Yes," She answered "How can I help you?" She replied, hoping that she wasn't just calling to speak to one of the employees, who had all already left. "Theres some rabid rats in my basement, I was wondering if you could send someone to look at them?"

Nancy was intrigued now, "Yes sure! Do you mind telling me your name and address?" She asked the lady, who agreed. The lady gave Nancy her personal information - which Nancy scribbled down on a napkin with a pen, before saying her goodbyes.

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