the bite

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The ride to the hospital dragged on, the manic screaming of Ms Driscoll and the sound of the ambulance sirens were the only things that kept Nancy aware of her surroundings. It was surreal, maybe it was Ms Driscoll who was eating the chemicals and gardening supplies? Maybe it was the rat? Maybe it was both of them, who knows.

Nancy stared out the windshield, noticing that they had arrived at the hospital. The ambulance jolted into parking position, and the back doors opened swiftly. Two doctors who looked to be in their thirties or forties picked up Ms Driscoll on a roller bed, and brought her into the hospital and to her room.

She hopped out of the ambulance, following them inside to the waiting room. Nancy sat down in one of the chairs, resting her head on her hand, wishing that instead of going to Ms Driscoll's home she would've just went to her girlfriends house, mind you, she didn't even know where she was at this point. She hadn't heard from Brea in days, and she missed her.

Once the sky cleared up, she went home. She would've called Brea, but she didn't know if she was even home, and she likely wasn't off work just yet. It was nine thirty at night, and Brea was normally off between ten and ten thirty.

Nancy exited the hospital, going over to the pay phone and dialling the Byers number. She didn't have a ride home, since it was normally Johnathan who drove her to work and back. The phone rang, Johnathan thankfully picked up.

"Hello?" Johnathan spoke, waiting for an answer from whoever was calling. "Hey, its Nancy" She answered. "Hey! What's up?" He was confused. Normally Nancy didn't call him this late at night, especially after getting off work hours ago. He assumed that she would just call her mom to come get her from Driscoll's.

"Can you come get me? I'm at the hospital" She asked politely, fully expecting him to say no and hang up. "How the fuck did you end up at the hospital?" Now he was the one asking questions. "Long story, I'll tell you when you get here" She assumed he would come and get her. "I'm on my way right now"

Johnathan ran into his room, and grabbed his keys from his bed side table. He jogged out of his house and out to his car. He opened the door of his car, getting in, and placing his keys in the ignition, before driving off to the hospital, leaving a cloud of brown dust behind him.

He sped to the hospital while Nancy called the teenagers to tell them to get over here as quickly as they could. She didn't care if they got a ride, or if they biked, fuck it, she didn't even care if they walked over. As long as they were quick about it, thats all that mattered.

Johnathan pulled up into the parking lot, followed minutes later by most of the teenagers, she was hoping that maybe Brea would be with them, watching over them, but it was just Mike, Eleven, Max, Lucas and Will. "We came as soon as you called, what's going on?" Mike asked.

"Follow me." Nancy demanded, leading them into the hospital and trying to get past the front desk worker without getting caught, which was difficult. They failed. "What are you doing?" The lady at the front desk questioned the group of seven. "Going to visit our grandma! Ms Driscoll." Nancy replied quickly.

The ladies eyes glanced over them, and fell on Lucas. "Extended" He said, a goofy smile on his face. "Two at a time, that's the rules." She announced, showing them to the waiting room. They all sat down in their own chairs, Mike next to Will - Wills' head on Mikes' shoulder, Max and Eleven on the other side of the room, and Lucas standing next to the vending machine.

Johnathan and Nancy were the first ones to visit Ms Driscoll, considering they were the only two people out of the seven of them to ever actually meet her. They walked down the long hallway, Nancy's heels clicking on the tiles once her heels hit them.

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