mall fire/death of a hero

551 10 27

major character death, brief drug mentions,
accurate descriptions of organs and gore,
mentions of blood, mentions of fire,
dead bodies, mentions of vomiting, knives,
and mentions of guns.

The group of seven rushed down the stairs, Nancy immediately running to Brea and kissing her. She'd missed kissing her, she'd missed being able to see her in person. She missed Brea. Nancy held Brea in her arms, afraid that if she ever dared let her go, she would disappear, this time, for good.

"Holy shit Brea, I missed you so fucking much" Nancy cried, continuing to hold her girlfriend tightly. Brea started tearing up, "I missed you too Nance, so fucking much" She cried into her shoulder, not wanting to let her go.

Eventually, Nancy unwrapped her arms from around her girlfriend, instead holding her hand. Nancy's eyes landed on a dirty blonde girl who stood next to Steve, she had blue eyes, and was wearing a uniform identical to Breas'".

"Who are you?" Nancy questioned the dirty blonde girl, confused and slightly jealous. She was zoned out until Nancy spoke. "Oh, Hi! I'm Robin, I work with Steve and Brea" She rushed through her words, gesturing with her hands like she normally did.

Nancy brushed her off, walking with Brea over to the group of younger kids. Brea's eyes looked at Will and Mike's hands, which were both enlaced with each others. Brea looked at Nancy, giving her a look at asked mikes gay?. Nancy nodded. It wasn't the largest shocker to Brea, but she never thought she'd see the day Mike Wheeler saw through his internalised homophobia and noticed Will Byers.

"Brea!" Will shouted, only just noticing she was with the group that contained Dustin, Steve, Robin and Erica. "Will! Oh my god!" She ran up to him. Will had always been like her younger brother, it was just the bond they had. Will wrapped his arms around Brea, burying his head in her shoulder.

"So, Mike eh?" She asked, attempting to be quiet so the rest didn't hear, she didn't know whether or not everyone had even the slightest clue about Mike and Will possibly being together, "I mean, yeah" His face flushed a light pink. Brea laughed at him, letting go of him.

"What are you doing here Erica?" Lucas asked, his eyes practically bulging out of their sockets at the sight of his ten year old sister. "I could ask the same thing" She sassed him, crossing her arms and staring him down, awaiting an answer. He rolled his eyes "I asked first".

All of the bickering stress Eleven out, what didn't help with the stress was the pain in her leg. She hobbled away from the group, just wanting some peace and quiet. She felt incredibly tired, like she was going to pass out any moment.

She fell to the floor, a loud scream coming out of her mouth. The pain in her leg was unrecognisable. It was like something was eating at her skin and bones from the inside of her leg.

Max's head snapped towards Eleven, before looking down at El's leg and seeing movement. "Holy shit, Eleven are you okay?" She shouted, running over to Eleven's side. El wailed in pain. She couldn't handle the immense pain in her leg.

"What the fuck is that?" Steve asked, looking at her leg once the rest of the group got over to her. Brea and Robin wanted to vomit. They had already vomited so much that night to the point where they were almost used to it, as disgusting as it sounds.

"Theres something in there..." Mike muttered, looking down at his friend's leg. Everybody's eyes were fixated on her leg, how her flesh sizzled slightly, and how the movement caused her skin to move from on the bone. Some blood leaked from her leg, creating a pool of it on the ground.

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