the exit

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The next morning Nancy called her mother, letting her know that she would be back later that night before dinner, and mentioning that she was with Brea at her friends house. "Yes, mom, everything's going well" She answered her questions with hesitation. "By the way, me and Brea are gonna hang out with Johnathan when we get home"

"Bye mom, love you too" She spoke as she hung up. Nancy knew that her mother would tell Ms. Henderson that she was with her daughter and she was completely safe. It always eased Claudia to know where her kids were.

Johnathan on the other hand couldn't get a hold of Joyce. After calling multiple times, he finally gave up, rolling his eyes as he placed the phone onto its stand. "No answer?" Nancy replied sympathetically, Johnathan nodded his head.

"Thank you for everything, Murray" Brea thanked him, his smile was warm, but it quickly disappeared and became the gloomy face that Murray normally wore. 

"No problem!" He accepted the thank you, giving them a false smile, unlike the first one, this one was forced.

They got to the door, exiting and standing outside of it, in front of the metal door. "And if you three ever need to reach me again," He started his sentence. "Don't." And with that, the door slammed in front of them, startling them to bits.

Nancy, Johnathan and Brea all made their way to Johnathan's car - which had been repaired since they went to the park to meet up with the Hollands. Brea and Nancy sat in the back seat, in each others arms. Johnathan rolled his eyes, recently he had been more jealous of the two.

"Are you guys dating yet?" He asked, his sentence came off more passive aggressive, he intended to say those words with more of a soft tone, not wanting his friends to think he was jealous, or anything unusual like that. They looked at him, then back at each other.

"No..." Nancy answered Johnathan's question truthfully. She really liked Brea, but she didn't know how to go about asking her out, or if Brea even wanted to be her girlfriend. It was all a confusing mess.

Nancy wanted nothing more then to be Brea's girlfriend. Ever since Nancy met her she had what she would call, weird feelings. She didn't know how to deal with them, but now she does. And now she knows she likes Brea.

Johnathan rolled his eyes, it was clear to him that Brea was so utterly in love with Nancy, he felt like Nancy was too blind to see his close friend pinning in silence over her. Even though Nancy knew about those feelings Brea had been holding for her, she was still surprised someone she thought hated her would ever fancy her.

The car drive dragged on with the uncomfortable silence. Johnathan's hands gripping onto the steering wheel for dear life, while Brea and Nancy just sat in each others arms. Brea was asleep, and Nancy was combing her fingers through the girls hair, silently.

Eventually it became dark outside, the only things giving light to the street were the overhead street lights that cast the orange glow onto the street. It was fairly peaceful, pushing aside all of the stress they had that afternoon.

While they were still at the Bauman residence, they edited the tape, watering the story down just a bit, to still leave it believable, just not overwhelming. They also mailed the tape to a local news office anonymously, not wanting their identities to be revealed. While they were there, Murray also kept insisting that Johnathan and Nancy had chemistry together, Nancy denied it every time. But Johnathan stayed quiet throughout the multiple conversations.

The familiar Hawkins sign came into view, Brea still asleep on Nancy's lap. They were driving through the forest area of town, just before actually getting to the area that looked inhabited by people.

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