its not my fault

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"Are you even supposed to be here?" Steve handed the girls their ice cream, as he asked one of the girls who stood on the other side of the counter, Eleven Hopper, whose arm was linked around Max Mayfield. They looked at each other, licked their ice cream, and ran out of scoops.

"See! What did I tell you? Theres more to life then stupid boys!" Max shouted, laughing, as they ran through the large shopping mall and towards another random store hand in hand. Their arms were littered with bags by the time they finished their shopping. The bags consisting of new outfits for the both of them, comic books, and tons of unnecessary items.

They ran to the exit, laughing with their ice cream and bags in hand. The mall door slid open, and then walked out of the mall without a care in the world, giggling. "That was so much fun!" El exclaimed in her happy and excited state. Max agreed, turning her head slightly to be met with the faces of Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, and Will Byers.

Max pointed at them, grabbing El's hand and walked over to where the boys stood, collecting the bikes and talking about some random bullshit. "Well well well! Who do we have here?" Max spoke, Mike stared at them, dropping his bike in mere shock.

"What are you doing here." He deadpanned, knowing that El wasn't supposed to leave the cabin unless she had Hopper's permission. Assuming she didn't, since she rarely did and the mall was far too crowded for her, he panicked.

"Shopping!" El said with a large smile on her face, before taking a lick of the ice cream cone in her hand. "Now, what are you doing here?" Max asked, after El told her everything that happened, from his Nana being sick and in the hospital, to him hanging up the phone on her, she knew that it was just a bullshit lie he had made up to get out of spending the day with her. There was nothing wrong with some time away from your significant other, but whats the point in lying to get some time away from them?

"Looking for a gift, for Nana!" He spoke, coming up with something on the spot. "Also, for you, there's barely anything here for three dollars so its kind of difficult, but I just wanted to get you something as an apology." He rambled.

The bus arrived in the parking lot, the bright yellow and white bus with black accents parking itself in the parking lot right by the entrance. El looked back, before walking up to Mike. "I dump your ass." She spoke, before backing away, and running onto the bus with Max.

"What the fuck?" Mike questioned, his voice showed his clear confusion. He didn't understand what he did to deserve getting broken up with. Will turned his face to face away from Mike and Lucas, before his face twitched into a small smile, letting it drop as quickly as it got there. He hated that he was even slightly happy about Mike and El breaking up, he felt guilty even, but he couldn't help but smile at the thought of them being over, even if it were only for a week or so.

They grabbed their bikes, as they were doing before, and started biking back to the Wheelers. No conversation was made the entire bike ride, Mike was too down in the dumps about El ending their relationship, and Lucas was far too focused on the worry of Max breaking up with him again.

The three arrived at the Wheelers house, dumping their bikes in the large garage, before entering through the side door, which leads directly into the basement. Mike immediately fell face first onto the couch in the basement, groaning in false agony. Sure, he was upset about the break up, but not to the extent he thought he would be.

To Mike, it was simply a "whatever" moment. Not that big of a deal to him, but at the same time it felt like it was the end of the world, like his entire home just collapsed on him and he was suffering in the drywall and concrete.

"I don't know what I did to deserve this!" He shouted, still confused, but not overly disappointed by it. "I don't know what you did either man, we could just, wait for them to call, maybe?" Lucas proposed the idea, if the idea meant sitting in his basement all day and doing nothing, he was completely up for it. He enjoyed hanging around Lucas and Will, yet he wished Dustin was also there.

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