Chapter 2- Your Kidding

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Journal entry;

February 17 2013 12:17pm

So I'm not quite used to this. But I'm gonna right down like songs I remember, make lists or make up songs. Since like I have no huge secrets and no friends what so ever. Anyway I have to go Mickey is calling my name!!



I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "We found her!!" They yelled I was startled at first but then they started coming towards me. "We're not gonna hurt you." Curly said talking deeply and slowly.

I turn and ran upstairs with them behind me. I jumped the last one and ran straight down the hall into my room and closed the door and locked it. "C'mon out!!!" "Never!! I was getting ready to go to Narnia!!" They were snickering. "Gay Bastards" I mumbled. I think they heard because they all said "Hey!" In unison. Creepy!!

So I unlocked the door and they all came crashing down at my feet. "Mickey!!" I said loud enough for her o hear. "Yes Hazza?" "Can you please tell them to leave so I can get dressed! I don't want to be rude!" You say.

Mickey comes up and lends out a hand for them to take. One by one they get up. She nods a approving nod.

You close the door and lock it. You unplug your iHome and plug it in the outlet in the bathroom wall. You plug in your iPhone 4S and play Glue(Live) by Nina Nesbitt, you sang along.

1,2 open up the door

3,4 Answer your phone but you don't do any of those things do you

5.6 I deserve more

7.8 we've flown to the floor you're sliding down my ladder of priorities

I, I, I and you-ou went together like glue-ue-ue

But now the waters coming in we're sliding apart

I, I, I and you-ou went together like glue-ue-ue

But now we're not sticking we've gone dry

It was all suspicious, on the edge wondering what you were doing

when the back of my head was showing, and your two faces were looking

When will you ever come around, no wait it's not the right way around

Cause it was all always my fault wasn't it just

I, I, I and you-ou went together like glue-ue-ue

But now the waters coming in we're sliding apart

I, I, I and you-ou went together like glue-ue-ue

But now we're not sticking we've gone dry

And I don't want to be a bore

But I'm telling you this aint happening anymore

So please sit down and we'll have a chat

But whatever you put on your hat you think you cool

Don't let me fall down the same ropes that you did do

NO don't let me fall down the same ropes that you did do

I, I, I and you-ou went together like glue-ue-ue

But now the waters coming in we're sliding apart

I, I, I and you-ou went together like glue-ue-ue

But now we're not sticking we've gone dry

And I don't want to be a bore

But I'm telling you this ain't happening anymore

So please sit down and we'll have a chat

But whatever you put on your hat you think you cool

You hopped in as your music kept playing. You washed your hair and the rest of your body. You hopped out and dried off. You were putting on your neon green bra and Cookie Monster boxers. You hated panties. After that you put on black skinny jeans and a purple plaid button up shirt. You blow dried your hair and brushed it down straight.

You put on your infinity necklace, Moustache necklace and a few bracelets like ones that said "Music > You" and yeah. You washed your face and brushed your teeth. You cleaned off your braces. Once you were done you slipped on your black converses. You hopped down the stairs and jumped the last three steps.

"Your gonna get hurt dear" Mickey said. You just wave your hand. "So why am I down here?" "Well these wonderful lads signed papers to adopt you!!" Mickey says with her while face brightened. You shake your head. "Nononononononononono NO!!" You were turning around to leave when someone taller than you grabbed you by the waist. "Let me go!! Where's the police when you need them!?" You mumble. The guy holding you laughed. "Can I at least know your name? I mean come on!" He laughs more. "My names Harry. Everyone calls me Hazza!"

"No!! My name is Hazza!" You say crossing your arms over your chest. "I've been called Hazza since I was like 2!!" "Oh well!" "Respect your elders young man!" You tell Harry. "Pardon?" "I'm 19! You're like 18!"

"I am 18!" He says.

"I want to be called Hazza!"

"I want to be called Hazza!"

"Me!!!!!!!" You yell.

"No me!!!!"

"Fine!" You say throwing your hands up surrendering. The doorbell rang. "DOORBELL, DOORBELL!!" You say.

Well who's at the door

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