The Meeting

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When Chapa and Bose are 14, don't have superpowers, and have never met before.

Chapa's Pov

I was walking through the clothing store when I accidentally bumped a hanger down.


I bend down to pick it up but an olive skinned colored hand picked it up and put it back. I stand back up.


???:"No problem."

The voice sounded like a boy's voice. The boy came into view and my eyes instantly widened. He is the most handsome boy I have ever seen. He had beautiful chocolate brown eyes and gorgeous long brown hair. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and smiled. He has a great smile accompanied by adorable dimples. Suddenly I got butterflies in my stomach, my heart started pounding, and my palms started sweating. 

Bose:"The name's O'brian. Bose O'brian. What's yours mademoiselle?"

Oh my god he spoke in French! Okay, just play it cool Chapa. Just play cool.


Bose:"Chapa...a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

He looks me up and down, nodding and smiling. Oh my god is he checking me out?!

Bose:"And may I just say you are one fine looking lady."


Bose's Pov

I was walking through the clothing store when I heard someone talk.


I walk over and noticed they had bumped a hanger down. They bend down to grab it, but I grab it for them and put it back. Them stands back up.


It sounds like a girl's voice.

Bose:"No problem."

The person comes into view and my eyes instantly widened. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She has cool red hair, beautiful brown eyes, snow white skin, and pink plump lips. And some pretty sweet curves! Dang! I brush my hair out of my eyes and flash a charming smile at her.

Bose:"The name's O'brian. Bose O'brian. What's yours mademoiselle?"


Chapa...What a beautiful name!

Bose:"Chapa...a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I check her out looking her up and down, nodding and smiling. Dang! She is one fine looking lady!

Bose:"And may I just say you are one fine looking lady."

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