Bose X Chapa Oneshots!

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At S.W.A.G. Ray is teaching. Everyone is taking notes except for Bose. He is bored and is a playful mood so he decides to tease Chapa and push her buttons because he thinks it's so cute when Chapa gets mad-it is!-and also because he likes her.

Bose turns around in his seat.

Bose:"Psst. Chapa?"

Chapa:(To herself)"Just ignore him, Chapa."

Bose:"Chapa, over here."

Chapa:"Whatever you do, don't look at him."

Bose:"Psst, Chapa.(grunts as he throws a piece of wadded-up paper at Chapa)Psst, Chapa.(throws a book at Chapa)Chapa?(spits a bunch of spitballs at Chapa's face)Chapa? Psst, over here. I'm trying to tell you something. Something important."

Chapa:(whispers loudly)"What?"



Chapa's hands spark as she growls, removing all the spitballs, then stops when she sees Ray angry, covered in the spitballs.

Ray:"Perhaps this would be a good time for recess.(sternly)Chapa, I-"

Ray is about to scold and punish Chapa but Bose stops him.

Bose:"No! Wait! Stop! Ray! It's not Chapa's fault! It's mine! I started it!"

Ray:"If this is true-"

Bose:"It IS true!"

Ray:"Than I guess Chapa is off the hook. However, as for YOU Bose-"

Bose:"Yeah, yeah, don't get all dramatic, just hit me with it."

Ray:"Detention after school today. I'm sorry Bose."

Bose:"Hey, I gotta learn my lesson."

Ray:"Also, stop interrupting me Bose. It's rude."

Bose:"Yes sir. Sorry sir."

Ray walks away, leaving Chapa and Bose alone. Mika and Miles are already outside for recess. 

Bose:"Yay! Recess!(to Chapa)Meet ya on the monkey bars."

Bose is about to head out the door but Chapa stops him by grabbing his arm.

Chapa:"Bose, wait!"

Bose turns around.


Chapa:"Thank you."

Bose:(Confused)"What for?"

Chapa:"For taking responsibility for your actions. That was so sweet. So thank you Bose."

Chapa kisses Bose's cheek and Bose's face turned the color of a tomato.

Bose:(Dazed and stuttering)"N-no p-problem."

Bose touched where Chapa kissed, savoring how her soft lips felt.


When Bose and Chapa are not dating.

Chapa:"I hate you, Bose."

Bose:"I hate you more."

Chapa:"I'd hate you no matter what."

Bose:"Yeah, well, I'd hate you even if I didn't hate you."

Chapa:(stares at Bose for a few seconds, then narrows her eyes)"I'd hate you even if that made sense."

Bose:"I'd hate you even if you were me. That's how much I hate you."

When Bose and Chapa ARE dating.

Chapa:"I love you, Bose."

Bose:"I love you more."

Chapa:"I'd love you no matter what."

Bose:"Yeah, well, I'd love you even if I didn't love you."

Chapa:(stares at Bose for a few seconds, then her eyes turn into hearts)"I'd love you even if that made sense."

Bose:"I'd love you even if you were me. That's how much I love you."

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