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Chapa has been dating a boy named Jody at regular school for a week now and Bose is jealous. Than on Monday Chapa caught him making out with some girl in the gym. Chapa looked hurt, got tears in her eyes, ran off crying, ran into the janitor's closet, closes the door, sits down on the floor, and bursts into tears.

Bose knocked on the door.

Bose:"Chapa? Are you in there?"

Chapa:"No. Do not come in."

Bose comes in.


Chapa:"What did I just say?"

Bose notices Chapa's puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks.

Bose:"Chaps, have you been crying?"

Chapa wipes her eyes.

Chapa:"No! No! I just got some dust in my eyes! Yeah! That's it!"

Bose:"Ah bullfish!"

Chapa gasps.


Bose:"Sorry about the foul language Chapa, but there's no shame in crying Chapa. It's as natural as laughing. Your feelings are your truth. You should never be ashamed of them."

Bose sits down next to Chapa and puts an arm around her. Chapa blushes.

Bose:"So, tell me what happened?"

Chapa:"I don't wanna talk about it."

Bose:"Talking will make you feel better."

Chapa:"Leave me alone."

Bose:"That's your problem. You never let anyone in. Chapa the rock. Chapa the loner."

Chapa:"I don't let anyone in because...I'm scared, okay?"

Bose:"Whoa. Lula Elena Chapa Da Silva scared? That's a first."

Chapa:"I'm scared of getting hurt. Which is just what happened. Jody cheated on me. I caught him making out with some girl in the gym."

Bose's eyes glow blue, his face turns red, and steam bursts out of his ears. He then calms down and clears his throat. What Chapa just told Bose...That made Bose want to say how much he adored Chapa and how beautiful she was to him. It was like her beauty was on another level of beautiful. Bose would literally pray to Chapa and beg to her like she was some goddess to him. Which she is. Her flawless skin made Bose want to praise the lord that he even got to touch it, be near it. Her facial features were perfect and shaped her face so well it made Bose mesmerized. Her lips were his favorite part though. They were so pretty and looked so soft and plump it made him want to kiss her or feel them in some way. 

Bose:"Chapa, you're such an amazing person, and you know if Jody can't see that, well then he's just...he's just as blind as a...guy whose eyes just stopped working."

Chapa couldn't help but giggle at the last thing Bose said. Somehow, Bose always knew how to make her feel better.

Bose:"And I'm gonna tell you something.(Angry face)😠Jody is the worst person I've ever met.(Calms down)And he was a loser Chapa. He didn't deserve you at all."

Chapa:"He didn't." Chapa agreed bitterly but softens up.

Chapa:"Thanks Bose."

Bose:"No problem sparky."

Bose and Chapa share a warm hug. They then break the hug. 



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