Class Action Heroes With Alanna Part 3!

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Credit to @Wewantthecake's OC!

At the Hip Hop Puree scene the Danger Force kids find out that they are going to miss Animal Dan The Animal Man who brings in cute, adorable, baby animals due to Ray pulling the kids out of school to fight The Puncher though the kids think that Ray is making The Puncher up but Ray is not making him up. He's real! Mrs.Wong's chicken may be made in a lab in her basement but he's real! But the kids don't know that. They think Ray is pulling them out of school for a stupid reason. So they decide to switch their nice clones to fight crime so they can stay at school and watch Animal Dan The Animal Man and they all laugh. In fact, EVERYONE in the restaurant laughs.

Alanna:(Laughing)"Why are we laughing?"

Chapa:(Laughing)"I don't know!"

They all continue to laugh. Eventually, their laughter dies down.

Alanna:"Wait a minute guys!"


Chapa giggles.

Alanna:"What about me? Animal Dan The Animal Man isn't coming to my school and I wanna see him!"

Chapa:"Don't worry! I've got an idea!"

Chapa whips her phone out.

Chapa:"I've downloaded this app on my phone that records words that you say and turns them into a sentence!"

Chapa taps a button on her phone.

Mr.Da Silva's voice is heard on the phone. He says 'Please excuse Alanna from school today, She is sick with a cold.'

Bose:"You're very smart Chapa."

Chapa blushes, smiles, and puts her hand over her heart.

Chapa:(Timidly, shyly, bashfully, stuttering, and blushing)"T-t-thank y-y-you B-B-Bose."

Bose:"You're welcome!"

Chapa taps a button on her phone.

This time, Alanna's voice is heard on the phone. She says 'Wow Chapa! You are a genius!'

Chapa smiles and puts her hand over her heart.

Chapa:"Thank you, Alanna."

Chapa taps a button on her phone.

Alanna's voice is heard on the phone again. She says 'My name is Alanna. I'm a doodie head!'

Chapa, Bose, Miles, and Mika all laugh while Alanna is angry. Alanna's eyes turn purple and she growls at Chapa.

Alanna:"No, no, give me that phone!"

The two sisters fight over the phone.

Bose:"Alright, alright!"

The two sisters stop fighting and freeze in their current position. Chapa has her phone in her hand high up in the air and Alanna is reaching her hand out to try to grab it.


Bose:"Thank you."

Chapa:"You're welcome."

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