Pet Sitter Bose

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The Man's Nest

Schwoz and Ray are talking, Mika and Miles are arguing, and Bose is trying to do The Cat's Cradle with a piece of string but to no avail. His hands all all tangled up in string.

Chapa arrives.

Chapa:"Hey guys!"

Everyone greets her.

Bose now has string all over his body.

Bose:"How did this happen?! How does this keep happening?!(referring to Bilsky's Billions)"

Chapa:"Here, let me help you."

Chapa helps Bose get untangled from the string.

Bose:"Thank you."

Chapa:"No problem! How did this happen away?"

Chapa places a hand on Bose's cheek and Bose blushes at her soft touch.

Bose looks up at Chapa, embarrassed, borderline terrified.

Bose bites his bottom lip and tries to explain.

Bose:(Blushing)"Well, uh, I was um, trying to do, the uh, The Cat's Cradle with a piece of string and know the rest."

Chapa:"Bose..." Her laugh is light through her breath, lighter than her touch against his cheek.

Chapa:"You're adorable, you know that?"

Bose shrugs.

Bose:"I've been told so."

Chapa:"Anyway! I need you to do me a favor!"

Bose:"Sure! Anything for you, Chaps!"

Chapa:"Well, this weekend my family and I are going out of town to visit my cousins, aunt, and uncle, and we'll be back on Monday. But, I need someone to pet sit my Parakeet Emmet."

Bose:"What's a "Parmameet?"

Chapa:"Parakeet." Chapa corrected Bose.

Chapa:"It's a type of bird."

Bose:"And won't pet sitting hurt your bird?"

Chapa:"Bose, "Pet sitting" is where someone watches another person's pet while the other person is away. Anyway, I need someone to watch my bird."

Chapa leans close to Bose and speaks softly to him.

Chapa:"Do you think you can do that?"

Bose blushes due to Chapa being so close to him.

Bose:"Um, sure! Yeah, I can watch him! You can count on me, Chaps!"

Chapa smiles.


The next day


Chapa's house

Chapa's living room

Bose, Chapa, and Chapa's pet bird, Emmet, are in the living room. Emmet is a beautiful white parakeet.

Chapa is ready to leave and she is giving Bose instructions on how to care for her pet bird.

Chapa:"Bose, meet Emmet!"

Bose:(Smiling)"Hi Emmet!"

Chapa heaves a big sack of bird food.

Chapa:"Okay Bose, this is Emmet's food. Feed him twice a day."

Bose:"This whole sack?!"

Chapa:(Shaking her head)"No,(holds up a red cup)just a cup's worth.(hands Bose a list)And here's a list of what to do and what NOT to do."

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