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Chapter 17- Remember Me For I have to Say Goodbye

I woke up to find myself in the closet. I had a huge headache but it didn't stop me from getting up. I looked around to see Tamia curled up in a ball.

"Tamia wake up" I shook her until she opened her eyes.

"What happened" I asked her.

"The better question is, where are we" Tamia whispered.

"What do you mean, we're in Jahseh's closet" I said.

She looked at me and squinted her eyes.

"Who the fuck is Jahseh"

"Stop playing you know who he is. Stokeley's bestfriend, remember" I told her.

"I shouldn't have took you to that party" Tamia rolled her eyes.

"Today is Halloween. Don't tell me you forgot"

"Halloween is next week. What are you on Amala" She said while laughing.

I felt tears threatening to come out. All of this was real, it felt real.

I walked out the closet to find that the room was empty.

"Why are we in an abandoned house. How did we end up here" Tamia asked while walking out the closet.

"This is Jahseh's house. There was this lady and she wanted to kill me and Jah wanted to protect me. I don't remember what happened but I need to find him" I rambled while tears ran down my face.

"Yeah no more parties for you. It was just a bad dream no need to cry and shit"

When I said it out loud it did kinda seemed unrealistic. Maybe she's right and I was drunk.

To think I was actually in love, that's funny.

As I looked around I found a hoodie on the floor. I went over to it and picked it up.

"It's chilly outside put it on so we can go" Tamia suggested.

"It looks like it belong to someone" I said.

"Doesn't matter"

I put the hoodie on which fitted comfortably. I couldn't help but to smell it. It smelt like someone else was wearing it recently but it smelled nice I guess.

Tamia and I walked through the house until we found the exit.

"Why does it seem like people were living there" I asked Tamia.

"Maybe they recently moved out" She said.

We began walking on the sidewalk and there were no kids in costumes. Maybe it wasn't Halloween.

The more I think about my dream the more I forget it.

"Do you have any idea of how we ended here" I asked.

"Maybe we were both drunk and we just crashed here. It's not that far from the party" Tamia laughed.

We kept walking until we made it to Tamia's house. Before she walked in the house she looked back at me.

"Was that Stokeley dude in your dream fine" She asked.

"I can't remember" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh well bye then" She said while walking into the house.

I began walking back home. It wasn't too far from Tamia's which I'm grateful for.

When I made it home I went to my bedroom window and climbed in. I immediately took my heels off and the costume I was wearing.

I noticed I had a bracket on that had a tree symbol on it. It fit perfectly on my wrist so I decided to leave it on.

I put my phone on the charger so it could charge while I took a quick shower.

As soon as I was finished taking my shower and putting on my clothes I heard the front door open.

"We're home" I heard two voices say.

"Ok" I yelled back.

"So what were you doing while we were gone" A voice said.

"Oh nothing just being a child of God" I said while turning towards the voice.

"If I find out you've been sneaking out"

"Oh Frank leave her alone she's a teenager" My ma said while coming in.

"Don't worry dad I'm not into that stuff" I said with a fake smile.

They both left my room after giving me "the talk".

I turned my phone on and checked my camera roll to see if I took any pictures at the party. I found one that looked interesting. In the picture there were two boys, one with a purple durag and the other one had black and blonde dreads. Tamia and I were also in the picture.

"Amala" My dad said coming into my room.

"Yes" I answered.

"Do you remember the man named Jahseh" He asked.

"The name sounds familiar but I don't know who he is. Why are you asking"

"No reason. It's a story I used to tell you when you were younger you always wanted me to tell you it every night. It was to the point where you would pretend you knew him" My dad said with a small smile.

"Can you tell me the story again" I asked.

He sat next to me and got comfortable.

"It was a chilly night and two teens were walking in the middle of no where. They kept walking until they got to a cliff that gave a nice view of the moon that lit up the night sky"



This ending sucks. I'm still gonna publish it but this is just for my early readers ig. I've had fun writing this book, definitely one on my favorites. Well goodbye.

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