chapter 4

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May 5th

Another day, another training exercise. We're still just practicing to basics. You know, fly around, try to catch Maverick, Maverick shoots you down, 200 push ups. Same old, same old.

He sits up at his podium and talks for a little bit then sends us off to get our gear. "I bet $20 that I can get Maverick today." I make a bet with Hangman, but the others listening.

"No way in hell you'll get him. But you're on. Better have my $20 ready when we're done." he says. "Seresin, sweetie," I start as I'm getting closer to him, trying to be as intimidating as a 5'2 girl could be, "If you don't remember, we share DNA. I wouldn't underestimate me." I give him a smile and turn back to my gear.

I get a few laughs out of everyone. "Sounds like your ass is about to get kicked Hangman." Fanboy says, patting him on the back and laughing. Hangman rolls his eyes at him and picks up his helmet.

I'm walking out to my plane beside Reaper and Rooster. "Hey Em, you really think you can get your dad today?" He asks. "Hell yeah Bradshaw." I give him a kiss on the cheek before climbing into my aircraft and putting my helmet on.

"You ready you kick some ass today Reap?" I ask putting my hand back to get a high five from her. "Been waiting for this moment Rebel." she responds slapping my hand. "Let get this party started, why don't we?"

Coyote, Payback, Fanboy, and Rooster had already gone. Maverick begins talking. " Next up, Rebel and Reaper, your wingman Bob and Phoenix, and our solo plane is Hangman." Our windshield comes down and we're in the air.

"Okay Reaper, You see him anywhere?" I ask my WSO. "Negative." We continue to fly around together to find Mav.

"Hey Rebel" Hangman says. "Yes, sir?" I ask him. "You see him anywhere." he asks me while flying beside me. "Nope but I have a feeling what's about to happen."

Hangman looks over at me confused. "He's right under us!" warns Bob. I knew it. "Brace your self Reap!" He comes from under up and goes through the space between my plane and Hangman's. Our planes spin our of control. Not to hard to manage tho.

"Hangman you right, I'll go left." I go left but see Hangman doing the same. "I said you go right damnit." I yell at him as I have to swerve away before he hits me.

"And that right there is why we call him Hangman, always leaves you hanging." Pheonix says over the comms laughing.

"Loser still does 200 push ups right, Mav?" I ask him. "Yes ma'am, come get me." he says before gaining altitude and racing off. I do the same and begin to chase him. But then I hang back a little.

Phoenix acts as a distraction so I can go in for the kill. I come out of nowhere while Maverick is slowing down. We come face to face. I get a target lock on him. "That's a kill. Gotcha old man." I say and high-five

"Hear that Hangman?" Phoenix laughs. "Alright ladies and Gentlemen let's go home."


We arrive at the base and get out of our plane. Our teammates are all running up to me and Reaper. "Damn you really are a Rebel." Payback says causing me to laugh. "Yeah that was badass Em." Bradley says to me. "Congrats guys!" Phoenix says hugging us. "We were a team, so congrats to you guys two!" Reaper says as we hug Bob and Phoenix.

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