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TITLE... King of the Nighttime World
OC NAME... Aria Connor
LOVE INTEREST... Harry Styles
FACECLAIM... Jessica Alba
or Ana De Armas
(Jason: Charlie Heaton)
TROPE(S)... Best friends to lovers,
forbidden love, roommates to lovers
STATUS: Available

in which the millionaire, playboy,
womanizer happens to be your boyfriend's


the name harry styles was no
secret to the world. being well known for
his multi millions & named one of the
sexiest men alive — harry styles was
someone everyone in their right mind
knew. his brother on the other hand,
a completely different story. although
popular amongst fellow activists &
people who really gave a shit,
jason styles definitely wasn't his
younger brother.

aria connor never would have
expected to receive a job offer in the
dream city of new york after interning
from one of the most impressive law firms
in south carolina, especially when her newfound
relationship with jason styles is finally
beginning to bloom. being as career
oriented as she is, she decides to take
the offer.

when she has no where else to stay due
to her lack of bucks —- harry styles is oh
so generous. becoming roommates &
gaining a strong platonic relationship with
her boyfriend's brother, who was too
much like her for her own good,
was never on the goal list. but she
wouldn't trade it for
the world.


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ooo. harry owns the best night clubs
in the country & that's why he's known as
"king of the nighttime world."
(non musician harry fic!)

ooo. harry and aria quickly become
best friends while living together — they're
very similar people & both take their career
very seriously which they bond over. harry,
obviously is a playboy but he has manners
& is easily one of the most charming men.
he definitely falls for her first.

ooo. aria & jason break up a few
months after she & harry move in together.

ooo. harry & jason come from an incredibly
wealthy family whom don't support harry
or his lifestyle. their name is well known
for being a rich family & connected to
royalty through distant cousins.

ooo. aria is a veryyyy serious person. she
doesn't have a good relationship with her
family so her career has literally been her
family. she loves what she does & it will
always remain superior in her life.

ooo. the two sleep together right after
she & jason break up which results in a
major conflict of feelings — aria feels
horrible while harry reflects on actually
feeling something for a woman.

ooo. jason is an incredible guy really.
he's super sweet & has a huge heart. so
do not make him an ass... they just
aren't meant to be together.

ooo. harry is obviously very flirty from
the start with aria. but she takes it because
she doesn't mind at all. jason is the one who

ooo. keep in mind, he stays in south carolina
(jason) so they have a long distance relationship.

ooo. aria is a very confident person.
she's very strong, hardworking, reliable,
intelligent, etc. she's nowhere near awkward.
she's an istj (if that helps).

ooo. harry goes to a lot of parties & events
in which he always brings aria too. this
results in everyone believing they're a
couple. which is the start of jason
secretly doubting their relationship.

ooo. this is definitely a slowburn best
friends to lovers. but with a happy
ending ;)


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