- 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐏.𝐌 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫

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TITLE... The Eleven P.M. Show
OC NAME... Meredith Blake
LOVE INTEREST... Alex Turner
OC FACECLAIM... Hande Erçel
TYPE OF FIC... IRL (no social media)
STATUS... Available!

in which a boy who is too anxious
for a late night show, falls for a late
night show host.


the eleven p.m. show with meredith
blake, one of the most famous talk
shows of all time. along with david
letterman, jimmy fallon, jimmy kimmel:
the talk show hosts of the past few
decades. the ones that we all knew
and we all watched every once in a
while. with interviews and chaotic
games, meredith blake stood out for
her outgoing and comedic touch. & for
being only twenty-six years old.

alex turner wasn't as well known.
he had the opportunity to be but he
enjoyed the privacy connected to his
life. he had dedicated fans and a few
songs that most of the world would know.
and that was enough for him. alex had
always avoided interviews, press, especially
for bigger titles. such as meredith blake.
his anxiety kept him from it, along with
his lack of desire for attention. especially
from random viewers who perked up
at 11pm every evening to tune into
the infamous meredith blake.

when promoting his new album, alex
is brought into the world of laughter,
fame, charisma, and most importantly
late night television.


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ooo. this plot is MY BABY. and i'm fighting
such an urge to write it. i even have a cover
and aesthetics and everything but not the energy.

ooo. pretty much she's a literal bad bitch,
she's an icon, and everyone knows that shit!!!

ooo. so that's why her hanging around alex
is so funny because they're so opposite

ooo. he thinks she's so uptight and acc
tells her that and she thinks he's far too

ooo. enemies? to friends to lovers?? it's
hard to explain. but he isn't her biggest
fan bc she seems spoiled to him and too
into work. and bc he's like that, she thinks
he's a dick. but they become friends pretty
quickly even though they bicker and disagree
on just about everything.

ooo. miles loves her and keeps her around
and alex is just like?? why.

ooo. she literally attaches herself to alex
and is always like "i need to tell alex" even
though he really doesn't like her. but she
literally forces her friendship on him, and
he just kinda loves her bc of that.

ooo. they hook up eventually and there's
paparazzi camped outside his house and
she's pacing around having a panic attack
about it while alex is literally just sat around

ooo. super slowburn. they kinda hate eachother
(think jackie and hyde from 70s show) but
still hang around eachother because they kind
of care for eachother and keep running into
one another. then they end up hooking up
and then do a couple more times and
meredith finds herself catching feelings
which makes her go INSANE bc how can
she like such a buzzed poetic idiot???? but
alex falls a little later when he's comes with
her to her dad's house

ooo. at her dads house he meets her dad obvs,
her sister, and her niece. this is just a whole
new side of meredith that isn't anxious or
completely focused on work. one that alex is
genuinely in love with

ooo. this is a pure rom com. we need some funny
shit. like alex trying to kiss meredith and the
swing they're sat on breaking or something.
we need some chaotic love from two opposites.

ooo. "when i look at you..." alex starts with a
certain look in his eye, making meredith smile believing this would be the moment he would
reciprocate her feelings. ".. i want to vomit."

ooo. her slapping the shit out of him after that
as he just laughs and then kinda feels bad and apologizes immediately and hugs her

ooo. alex watching meredith at her dad's
country home be a real... human?? and just
being like "fuck no fuck no, i can't have feelings for that absolute freak"

ooo. him always doing his little chill smile
at her and her always having an annoyed look
on her face

ooo. her upset and going to him and he's
just like "why me" but hugging her and
secretly loving it

ooo. this couple has my HEART!!! don't ruin
them i beg. pls just end the book w their happily ever after. we don't need a bunch of angsty shit. we just want a good laugh w a cute couple!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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