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TITLE... California Dreamin'
OC NAME... Adrian Parker
TROPE(s)... He (Adrian) fell first but he (Will) fell harder, secret love, angsty, jealousy
OC FACECLAIM... Jared Padalecki
STATUS... Available!

in which will byers is too caught
up in what could have been to
notice the love of his life, right
infront of him.


william byers spent too much of his
life struggling with who he was and
whom he loved. although he knew deep
down who he really was, it was still a
scary thought to know he was different.
different from the other kids at hawkins.
it was when he was ten years old that
he realized he was in love with michael
wheeler. he put his arm around him when
a bully was rude to will, and he was just
in deep.

four years of hiding this crush and this
feeling, watching mike fall for a girl he
found in the woods. will was broken inside
especially since he adored eleven. after the
events of the battle of starcourt, joyce byers
took her and her family as far away from
hawkins as they could get.

will would be lying if he said he didn't think
about mike the whole flight to the new house
in california. the whole cab ride from the airport,
and the whole time they unpacked all their
belongings. but mike was back in hawkins
now. and he was also with will's new

the boy next wouldn't ever have suspected
he could move on from his young
love. but when the boy next door gets
caught up in his mind... maybe getting
away from mike was a good thing.


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oooo. this takes place in fall 1985 - whenever.
right when the byers arrive in california
and their time there.

oooo. adrian's mother sends him over
with a casserole or something to welcome
the byers to the neighbourhood. adrian
is super charasmatic so the whole family
just loves him and joyce invites him to

oooo. he's two years older than will and
shows him and el around school and stuff.
although he's a popular guy, he's still sweet
to them despite what everyone says about
the weird two.

oooo. adrian secretly dated one of the most
popular boys the year prior for a few months
before he broke it off with him because the
guy didn't want a real relationship. he just
wanted to use adrian for his body since he
knew he was gay and knew he wouldn't tell.
adrian would never out the guy or anything
but he ends up telling will. the guy is an
asshole to adrian and acts like he doesn't
even know him.

oooo. (you can come up with the asshole's name
but for now i'm just gonna use nick) nick
catches will and adrian kissing and tries
to blackmail them

oooo. will is madly in love with mike (as i've said
lmao) so it takes him a LONG time to realize
he actually likes adrian. it's super angsty
because will ends up telling his best friend
adrian about mike and then he talks about
him a lot and it makes adrian feel
insecure because he has a crush on will
and you know. it's just a never ending
cycle of will being blind to see adrian is
in love with him and insanely jealous.
when mike comes to visit for christmas
(the whole gang can if you want to add
that which i think would be awesome)
adrian is just super pissed because mike
always treated will like a piece of shit.

oooo. "what's your deal man?" mike calling
out adrian who gets pissed at him and calls
him out for only ever caring about el and
not will.

oooo. also pls don't screw over jancy in
this fic. we did not get three seasons of
amazing chemistry and such an interesting
couple just for it to be destroyed by six
little nugget man (i'm sorry steve you know
you're my favorite but you should have
shut the fuck up in that RV). so have
nancy come visit w mike or have jon &
nance call eachother all the time and shit
PLEASE i'm begging. if they're gonna ruin
their relationship in the show at least let
me experience it through this fic.

oooo. i don't really know how the whole
s4 plot will effect. i'm hoping like maybe
adrian's mom is out of town or something
with her boyfriend (who she's always with)
so adrian just goes with will and is with then
the whole time. and since s5 isn't out for like
fucking two years or some shit like that, idk
i think they're all gonna live in hawkins again
so maybe work your way around that. like have
adrian either visit a lot or make him move
there since he should be 17 by then or whatever.

oooo. adrian's personality: charasmatic,
sweet, confident, humble, generous.
he's a great listener, he's captain of
the basketball team, he loves his mom
even though she's never there for
him, he's actually really good at math
but pretends his not bc it's "nerdy",
he's never played d&d but will
teaches him, el, and jon and they
all play together. his dad left
him when he was a toddler. hes
also on the baseball team so maybe
bring out the bat ifykyk.

oooo. i feel like if he ever gets a chance to see
steve he's gonna think he's so cute and like
it's gonna be so funny. like he's gonna be
like his celebrity crush and it's just gonna
be funny.

oooo. he drives will and el all the time.

oooo. again if he ever has the chance to meet
steve and that group, robin would so sense
the gayness and they would end up having
like a sibling relationship.

oooo. possibly he leaves his mother when he's
17-18 bc he graduated early and she's with her
bf so she doesn't really mind or whatever
and moves to hawkins bc he loves will that
much?? he moves in w robin or something
like that and they get an apartment. idk that
sounds really funny. like the two gay
besties living together. too good.

oooo. also yes, i do need a super emotional will
coming out to jonathan and joyce scene. i
have high expectations for that thank you
very much. and definitely after he and adrian
started dating.


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