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TITLE... Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
OC NAME... Lily-Rose Gilmore
LOVE INTEREST...  Luke Danes
TROPE(s)... friends to lovers, angst, age gap
OC FACECLAIM... Courtney Cox (specifically
as Monica Geller in the early seasons)
STATUS... Avaliable

in which two miserable human beings
find a little bit of delight in one another.


lily-rose gilmore wasn't proud of her
uprising. she spent her whole life being
the golden child to emily and richard gilmore.
straight a's, no boys, no booze. princeton
acceptance along with several other ivy's. yet
of course, being a gilmore, she attended yale.
with a sister whom was disowned from the
family and a young niece who was a disgrace
to the family, lily-rose stepped up. she was
the gilmore.

luke danes was stuck in a cycle. he grew up in
the same hardware store he later owned,
turned into a diner. he spent his entire life
in the same town with the same people and
same routine. he knew nothing of other.

after losing all of what made sense in the
world and soon getting hooked on things
in your wildest dreams, lily-rose was kicked
out of law school. her second year in, rip age
of twenty-four, beginning her new life. so
she made a phone call and just like that,
she was in the small town of stars hollow.


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ooo. dark shit here but pretty much
lily-rose met a guy in her final year of
college who she like fell in love w. &
they were engaged & shit but he died
her second year of law school which
resulted into her dabbling into some
shit she shouldn't (drugs). she got
kicked out a school & put into
rehab. she just got out & lorelai
took her in since she has nowhere
to go.

ooo. lor & lily were always close even
tho they're like eight years apart. she
& rory are also very close.

ooo. emily & richard like practically
shunned lily-rose since she got kicked
out of school.

ooo. set in season one or two maybe? and
goes on throughout or doesn't follow the
plot it's up to you!!!

ooo. jess being there & teasing luke for his
crush on lily-rose is a must. jess acc really
likes her & ships them.

ooo. liz LOVES lily-rose.

ooo. luke & lily-rose become kind of friends
for awhile. it's a bit awkward at first but
he starts to really like her. they kind of have
a moment but she's not ready for a relationship
or anything and he respects that. they continue
to both like eachother even though they claim
they've both moved on. just a continuation
of this cycle until they finally get together
at some point (it's up to you whether or
not it's a happy ending).

ooo. kind of gloomy people & stories but
find a little light in each other :)

ooo. it's up to you if lor gets w someone

ooo. lily-rose deserves the world (real)

ooo. she gets a job in town but ends up
going back to law school to get her
degree in the end. hot shot lawyer slay 💪

ooo. she's like incredibly smart is painful
so big words always

ooo. considering it's gg and there's not
like a specific plot just do whatever!!


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