Back story

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Ok! Let's start this. Enjoy and let me know what you guys think!!

Warning implied sexual assault

POV Natasha

Somewhere in Russia Red Room

The Red room. Where unwanted girls go to be trained and made into weapons. Masked behind good manors and ballet. We learn how to kill a person 7 different ways with just our finger. I can use any weapon...or not doesn't matter. I'm the best in here, which is not something to be proud of. That just means I get taken a liking to by the wrong people. Love is for children that's what they drill into us, but I can't help but still want to want it. The last thing I was told by my "mother" was to not let them take my heart. I don't plan on it, I will get out. I need to find Yelena, I can't leave her...but I cannot stay either. I need out before graduation. But how?

It's...well sometime in February I've been locked in "bad girl" room. I failed my mission. I let myself become weak for a split second, I became human. Not a weapon and that...well that got me here. By my recollection it's been 7 days, they came in 7 times to give me stale bread, some type of soup, and a cup of water. There was only a thin blanket and a bucket. The floors are concrete and cold. Just darkness and a thin light that creeped under the door. I'm 15 and I graduate soon, when I turn 16. I'll get to go on missions on my own and do what I'm made to do. I should be let out soon they said a week. Before I could process the door opened and in walked 2 guards. "на ногах" (on your feet) the first guard said. I stood up, not wanting to be punished. "Dreykov Хочет видеть тебя" (Dreykov wants to see you) the other guard spoke. I nodded and followed them out. we walked down the long bland halls, there was no windows and all the doors were shut. this was the part of the Red Room you didn't want to end up...I mean know where is great but it's better then here. I'm nervous of what Dreykov may want, but using my training I mask my emotions and set a cold blank face on. we reach his office and the guard knocks, I here Dreykov tell them to come in so we do. "Ah, Natalia моя ценная вдова. оставьте нас" (Ah Natalia, my prized Widow. Leave us) he says and we are left alone. I still stand perfectly straight and still, he just looks over me. with this predatory look. then he smiles...well I think that is what he's trying to do. "Как прошло ваше пребывание? Надеюсь, вы выучили свой урок о неудаче? Da" (How was your stay? hopefully you've learned your lesson? yes) he says. "Да, сэр" (yes sir) I say monotoned and he smiles. "ну, у меня есть что-то для вас...или кто-то." (well I have something for you...or someone) he says with a smirk. he hits a button on his desk and a moment later a man walks in. "Ah, Nikolai это девушка, о которой я вам рассказывал. у вас есть до утра. не царапина" (Ah, Nikolai this is the girl I told you about. You have till morning. Not a scratch) he says. this man, Nikolai smirks and grabs my arm. I don't struggle I know what the punishment for being disobedient is, but that doesn't mean I'm not scared out of my mind. He drags me to a room. it has a bed, that's it. there are handcuffs on the headboard. My eyes widen and I start to struggle and protest. he laughs and throws me on the bed and handcuffs me. I trash my legs until he ties them to the bed as well. I start to cry and scream as he rips my clothes off. he just laughs and starts to undress. "теперь Natalia, не борется с этим. быть хорошей девочкой. у нас есть план для вас. Вы поблагодарите нас позже." (Now Natalia, don't fight it. be a good girl. We have a plan for you. you'll thank us later) he said roughly has he began to touch me. I closed my eyes, blocked everything out. Pain only makes us stronger I keep repeating. I thought of how I would get out, create a life for myself. I would kill everyone in here. Yelena and I would be reunited. I'm going to make then wish they never met me. what do they mean plan? why me?

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