Backstory Sasha

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OK People lets get started with Sasha's story!!

Warnings: Language, Torture, Sexual Assault, Starvation, and you know the usual Abuse stuff. Don't know what else but let me know if I miss any!

Well this is дерьмо (shit). I Hate Madam B, she pushes me so hard. I mean I could dance before I could walk. What type of logic is that!? I'm 4 now, She finally deemed me worthy enough do train with the older girls. I'm the youngest, she keeps telling me I'm the first to be born and raised in the Red Room. Like, Yay? anyway, yes I'm smart, I can complete complex sentences. What else am I suppose to do locked in a room. She keeps me away from everyone, tells me I'm special. All I have is books and a stuffed lion with a silver chain around the neck. She told me my mother gave it to me, that she was the best they have made in the Red Room, well till me. I don't know her name, all I know is I look exactly like her according to Madam B. I'm the best in my class already and I've only been with them for 2ish months, I don't think they like me very much. Oh time to train...

I'm 6 now, I've mastered all my lessons and I can use any weapon given to me. They moved me to the next age class, 16 year-olds. They all graduated and go on missions, they only let me be look out as of now. Someone is always with me, I'm never really alone. I clocked a camera and mic in my room. It's not always on which I guess is nice. Not like I do much anyway, I mastered 5 languages not including Russian; English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. I'm learning Chinese, Portuguese, and Korean right now. I get bored ok! I also just got my college level Math and Science books. I find them interesting, since I only get to read that or Russian history so not much. I guess it's not too lonely, I get to talk to Gus, my Lion. He understands me, I miss my mother...even if I don't know her. I get these weird dreams, warm fuzzy feelings. I can't have those no, love is for children

I'm 8 now, I got my first non lookout mission and well... I just got my "first" beating too. well they call it punishment for failure. which I don't really know how I failed. We got what they wanted but I guess that was wrong? they're probably just frustrated in how close our team came to being caught. I took the blame, so I got the beating. The other girls now respect me more, so a silver lining? ya didn't think so...

I'm 10 I'm going on my first important mission, I've been on plenty but this one is the first that seems to be really important. Anna and I are going to take out a mark, I don't know his name just that he's bad. Anna is to take him out and I'm suppose to download then destroy his files. As you can guess that didn't happen...well it did, but I killed him and Anna did the files. We watched him, gathered intel. But he changed his route and that led him in my direction. So I did what I was trained to do. I felt nothing really. I didn't hesitate. I dove out and tackled him and snapped his neck. easy right? Apparently our look out Gabriela saw this and when we did the reports she told them how I was ruthless and was quick and efficient. One would be like you got praised and even a proud smile from Madam B...well that's crap. That seems to make them think I'm their own assassin. well I guess that's what they are training my to be...but whatever. I don't want to be, I hated killing him. I see his face and now I have even more to haunt my dreams.

Yay I'm 12, note the sarcasm. I lost track of how many people I've killed. Not even marks but my own team, friends. I guess that just shows me not to get attached. I had to kill Anna yesterday...I beat her in a fight and Madam B told me to finish her, so I did. blank faced, hard, emotionless, no hesitation. I could see the other girls flinch and their eyes widen slightly before hardening. she was like a sister figure to me, she's...was 18 she was funny but strong. she taught me so much, we were close. I feel Madam B knew and this was a punishment for getting too close. Love is for children

I just turned 13 and Madam B told me to ready myself for a new assignment. She said it was important and will make me their best weapon. A team of 7 men dressed in black came into my room and a man with glasses came in next to Madam B. "Dies ist ihr?" (This her?) the man said in German. "Ja, sie sollte besser nicht verletzt werden. Sie ist unsere Beste." (Yes, she better not be harmed. She's our best.) Madam B said coldly in German. The man smiled and walked up to me and stroked my cheek. It took everything not to flinch. His smile seemed to widen and he said, "Oh, sie wird es sein" (oh, she will be) he turned and waved to guards to grab me and we walked out.

Lets just say 10/10 would not recommend. 3 years I was with him. he never told me his name, no one ever said it. I was tested on and given lots of different vials. I was trained still, I learned different fighting techniques. They liked to play a game, they would beat, whip, slice me. but of course only on my back or stomach for they could be hidden. Then they would throw me into a cage and send prisoners for me to kill. That was usually only on weekends sometimes Fridays too. The tests were the worst, it was a burning pain through my veins. I couldn't stop my screams. then after a year they deemed me tested enough. I got the code name Red Lion and they told me I would develop powers. So they trained me for 6 months, I gained my powers and learned to control them. It was hard at first, I was in pain or drained. But eventually I mastered them, like everything I have done. They started to send me out on missions. I lost myself, cold, nor remorse, blank, no one. Sasha was dead, there was only Red Lion. I wouldn't speak unless to the man, The guards would talk around me not knowing I was listening. I've learned how to creep in the shadows and just listen and observe. I saw their old toy a couple of times, The Winter Soldier. He's ok, I'm just better.

I'm getting sent back to Madam B, I'm 16 now and the Red Rooms new and improved weapon. But that didn't last long, maybe 3 months. An old widow just took down the Red Room. No more Dreykov. I had a silly thought of them coming to save me but that was quickly burned away when Madam B took me into hiding. We stayed in an old warehouse, it was filled with scientists. we were staying under the radar. I would only go out if necessary. For 3 years I was put through pain once again. More testing, more toying with. I'm not sure if I'm a person anymore. Can you even be unmade? well if so I am. I guess the time came so resurface It was almost my 18 birthday, but to me it's just another day. We started to cause a riff, make noise. They called themselves A.I.M, they were more science driven then the Red Room ever was, maybe even Hydra. What they didn't know was I knew what they were doing, I kept records. I would file things away for safe keeping. It was maybe March now. I have reached my breaking point. I overheard them wanting to use me to murder and take over the world. Ya, no thank you. I knew I had a small window I could use to make my way out. So around 1am I kept to the lab, I was dressed in my black suit with red lining, a small lion inside the widow symbol on my belt. I had my red hair braided and suit stashed with weapons. Once I reached the lab I pulled out my files I had hidden, but before I could leave I found a folder marked Widow. I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes, they were trying to restart the widow program by using me. I was suppose head it, be the face, take all those girls. I felt rage. I exploded...the next thing I knew I was on my knees in the middle of the compound and everyone was dead around me. I looked up and saw my stuffed lion, My mom would be so disappointed in me. I deserve to be alone, to die I thought. I picked up the lion and my blood soaked hands stained the tan fabric. I looked at it then stood up, taking one last glance at a very dead Madam B. I put the files on the table and left the lion on top. leaving the building and ventured out into the mountains. I don't know where I'm going but I know I can't be here...Maybe I can finally rest...maybe I can join my mother, because she has to be dead. right? otherwise she just never wanted me just like Madam B said, I'm a Monster

Ok!!!! How are we feeling???? I know I was rude and didn't reveal her powers. I want to be dramatic and do a hero...or Villain reveal ok!? Next chapter will be into more. some flashbacks so tie the story together more. but we are going to jump to Natasha's POV and show them trying to find Sasha then I'm going to jump to Sasha and stay on her for a bit.

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