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Hello!!! I'll start off with Natasha's POV then go into Sasha's like last chapter. Thanks and enjoy!!!

Trigger warning ⚠️: torture and violence. Talks of past abuse and torture.

POV Natasha

It's been a couple days and there's been nothing on Sasha. No word. No sighting. Not the best Stark technology can find anything. It's frustrating to say the least. Wanda has been amazing and offered to help scan for her, anything. But she doesn't have much to work with and I don't want her to strain herself. Yelena and Clint have been my rocks they are keeping me from killing literally anyone who looks at me wrong. They are also keeping me occupied with training mostly. I was slowly loosing hope, I know it's been less then a week but it's my baby and I've lost so much time and the longer this goes on the more I'm breaking. I can't break, not now. "Mr. Stark is requesting everyone to the meeting room right away." F.R.I.D.A.Y voices over the intercom. I drop my guns and rush to the meeting room. When I get there most of the team is there, "what is it? Sasha?" I ask right away. "Calm down agent Romanoff. Let's wait till everyone gets in." Furry says. I didn't even realize he was here. I "patiently" wait about 2 minutes for the rest of the team to come in. I glare at them and the turn my attention to Furry. "Right. Now that everyone is here. We intercepted an encrypted message from an old hydra base we had our eyes on. They seem to be moving a weapon tonight, so you guys are going in to stop that and gather anything you can. Any questions?" He says. "Yes, one. Isn't Hydra old news? Like why can't they just get the memo." Stark quips. I closed my eyes at this. "It could be the new group using the Hydra base, A.I.M" Steve says. "That is why I'm sending you guys in. You leave in 20. Base is about 10 miles from Stuttgart Germany." He says then walks out. We all get up and go to prepare to leave, not knowing what is waiting for us...

The flight is long but we make it, it's dark so we have that to work with. Clint landed the Quinjet in a clearing about 5 miles away so we have to hike up the mountain a little. It's not bad but I can tell Kate and Yelena are not liking it very much. They keep complaining to Bruce gets to wait and not be objected to this torture. Tony had flew ahead and scouted the base. "There seems to be a lot of safety measures around the base. F.R.I.D.A.Y can you shut them down?" He says over the com. "Yes sir, connecting to the system now...all weapons and defense down. A scan of the compound is being done now." F.R.I.D.A.Y says. "What do you got Tony?" Steve asks, it looks like no heat signatures, just a lot of cold ones. Seems like our friend got here before us." Tony says. My head snaps to Clint and we share a look. "Let's not get to ahead of ourselves, let's go in cautious. Tony see if you can get us in the front." Steve says. We just came up over a ridge and there, in the mountain is the door. Tony has started to cut through the think door, because having all systems down we can't try to open it. There doesn't seem to be a key pad or anything. "I feel so much angry and...pain. a lot of pain has been felt here. It's just like the first place." Wanda says. I look at her and she gives me a soft look. I feel Yelena come up next to me. "We'll find her Nat. She'll be ok." She says softly. I nod, grateful for her comfort. Finally Tony gets the doors open and we are hit with a different smell then just iron...but burning flesh. Everyone seems to be disturbed as we cautiously walk in. Staying together with cap and Stark in the front and Wanda and Clint heading the back. We pass rooms with opened doors, they're either empty and looked ransacked or they have dead bodies in them. We make our way through the halls till we reach the main hall. "This is it. The main room. There is a person in the middle on a chair, he has some heat radiating off of him." Tony says. "Be ready for anything." Steve says. He nods and tony blasts open the door. The smell is way worse in here, everyone gags. "Oh my God...." I hear someone say quietly. We walk in deeper, "looks like we were left another present." Tony comments on the body hunched over in front of us. "No, we got 2" I here Clint say. We look over at him and he's holding up the files, there seems to be everything on what they have here. "Why? What is this person's angle?" Steve says. "Look" Wanda says. We all face her, she has lifted the body slightly and a brand of a lion and a... "Is that the Widow symbol?" Kate asks. "Yes...." I whisper. "It's's Sasha." I say in a trance. "We don't know that for sure." Steve says. "No...we do." Bucky said "her code name was red lion and this file..." Clint says holding up a file. I rush over to him and take the file, opening it up. I gasp, it's my baby. "Where's the rest?" I ask desperate, as there is only a picture and a code name, Red Lion the rest gone. "Seems like she may have taken it. Who knows what else she has." Steve says. "how do you know that's her. There's no name." Tony says looking over my shoulder. I turn and glare at him, he raises his hands a backs up. "It obviously looks like her dipshit. It looks like a mini Natasha." Yelena defends. "Let's not get too far ahead. Nat we promised to look for her. But this could be a trap. We could be walking into whatever this Red lion person wants us to be." Steve tries to reason. I sigh, I know he's right. This wouldn't be new, trying to use links to get to us. But not many people know... Madame B was involved though...she knew. I pinch my nose and sigh. "Who is this guy?" Yelena asks as she looks for any clues. "Seems like her was the head scientist" Clint says as he waves a file. "Let's get everything we can and go." Clint says. We agree and gather what we can. Making our way back to the Quinjet and back to base. This can't get any worse right?

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