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POV Sasha

The rest of today was actually relaxing. I ate dinner with everyone even if I didn't talk..of well to anyone outside of my head. I just observed everyone. Their dynamics and the small quirks they had. I was really thinking about my future. Our future. If I did what Wanda suggested it could end up in two ways. One would be getting thrown in the darkest cell S.H.I.E.L.D has to offer. Or two, I would have a family. People who care for me and also getting my mother back. When I slipped away to my room half way through some romantic movie I couldn't sleep. I talked with Gus and we came up with a plan. I would give myself a week. One week to see if it was even possible to work as one and stop the urge to kill and burn everytime Gus comes out. If that happens then I will tell Natasha. I also am trying to...bond...more with her. But I can't help but cringe everytime I see her and Maria together. I am trying to be more social like Kate suggests so I also want to get to know more of the team here. I may have to ask Kate how to be, friendly and not so... assassin like as she likes to call it. Maybe I should just stick with Yelena, she understands me.

The next day I woke up determined and just before the sun rose I was outside in the small open patch I was supposed to meet Wanda at, at 1. When I sent my mind on something I go all out. Prepare till I physically or Mentally can't. I perfect what I'm flawed at till there is no flaw. You can thank the Red Room and Hydra for that. I stated with warming up staring slow. I used my powers and relaxed my mind then used a small amount of fire. Gus was started to get excited and I would cut him off. I know it will just fuel him more when we transition but I can't risk it yet when I'm alone. Please just let me out Sasha! I need to burn something. I need to let the flames out. He begs but I huff catching my breath from the intense amount of energy I am using keeping him in. "You know I can't just yet. You will burn the compound to the ground" I mutter wiping my face of sweat. You can't keep me in forever Sasha. I know you want to let me out. It's always so fun and you sleep soundly after. He says trying to sway me into giving in. "No. Gus we talked about this. Please! We need to work together or they will kill you! Kill me" I say and I feel the heat simmer down and I fall to my knees. I'm sorry. I...Sasha I'm trying. I want to try. We should wait for Wanda. It is almost 1. He says and I nod catching my breath. "Great plan" I say grabbing my water bottle.

"That was stupid and reckless!" Wanda says throwing her hands up making me flinch back. She stops her tangent and I curse myself for showing weakness. "I...I'm sorry. I. I was just worried" She whispers deflating. "I'm sorry too. It's how I was trained. I can't be flawed. It's a weakness" I say looking down. "Alright. How about we start slow. Control what we can then build off that" She says and I smile lightly nodding. "Ok. Where do we start?" I ask. "Gus" She says and I gulp nodding. "Vision taught me to focus on the power. How it surges through me but not getting lost in it's darkness but light." Wanda says smiling lightly ask she weaves a red strand around us. "I want you to focus on the fire part of your power you can control without letting Gus take over. Start small" Wanda continues nodding at me. I take a breath and close my eyes feeling the heat bubble in my chest and through my arms to my hand. Opening my eyes I see a fame in the palm of my hand. "Good. Now transfer it to your other hand" She says and I nod passing my flam to my other hand then enclosing my hands building it up before opening them. A flash of heat escapes and a fire ball sits in my hands. Wanda smiles at me, "Good now I want you to let Gus in. Let him us his power but don't let him take over you" She says and I nod determind before closing my eyes. Gus. I know you want out and I know you have an impulse to kill, burn and destroy. But I need you to work with me. We need to be one. I say to him and feel tightness in my chest. It's all I've ever known...But I will try. For you. For us. But I will not be some hero! He says and I smirk a bit. How about anti-hero? I like that...Ok. We will work as one. Who knows maybe it will alter us like you predicted. With one last breath I feel my eyes roll back and my mind fog slightly as Gus pushes his way in. It feel weird. Like two people going through a door at the same time and getting stuck. I open my eyes and see a red almost. It's like infared. Cool. "Woah" I gasp and widen my eyes hearing a deeper voice. Not quite Gus' but not mine either. A mix. "How does it feel?" Wanda asks. "Like I was pushed into a very small closet with another person" I deadpan making her laugh a bit. "I'm seeing infared. Also my voice is deeper" I mutter at the end. "You can see heat signatures?" She asks and I nod looking around. "There's a deer a 100 yards away" I say pointing into the woods. "Ok, so your vision is enhanced too" Wanda mutters. "Also hearing. I can hear it's heart beating." I say. "Wow... Ok try your powers" She says. I nod and focus on the heat in my body and flex my fingers. "Woah..." I mutter. "Are you seeing this?" I ask Wanda. "Ya..." She says wide eyed. "Red fire... Cool" I say smiling. "Ok...Lets see if I can fix my vision" I mutter and blink hard breathing in. When I open them I feel the haze leave my brain as it becomes clear. "Woah. My headache is gone and so is the infared" I say and she nods. "Is Gus still there?" She asks. "Gus?" I say outloud. Here. And I must say that this feels nice. He says happily. "Still there and happy." I say and Wanda nods. "Ok, lets bring it down. I don't want you to overexert yourself. We can build on this tomorrow" She says and I don't fight it as I can feel my body slowly shutting down with how much energy I used. I relax my body and feel haze leave and breath out. "That was awsome" I say smiling at her. "But now I want to sleep for a year and I'm super hungry. Like I'll even eat Natash's cooking" I say and Wanda giggles nodding. "I felt the same way. Come on, It's just about dinner so we can whip something up." She says and I nod following her back down the trail to the compound.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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