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Hello!! Lest get back into it!

POV Natasha

Talking with Sasha was amazing. She has so much of my personality but also her own, it makes me so proud of the person she has become. I was a little nervous asking about Red Lion but when she said she knows them and they saved her. It gave me a new found respect for them, it still doesn't mean that all the people they killed is alright but I do want to thank them. When Yelena came to get me I was afraid, I didn't want to leave because I was scared my baby wouldn't be there when I got back. I know it's foolish but I've missed so much and I'm not about to let her go. We get to the conference room and all of the other are there. "Agent Romanoff" Fury greats. I nod and take a seat next to Clint, Yelena sitting down next to me. "Ok, I want to know everything. Who is she, where did she come from, what is her motive" Fury said. Everyone just looked my way, rolling my eyes I spoke up, "her name is Sasha, Sasha Romanoff. She's my daughter." Fury raises an eyebrow. "Was a test done or are you just going to take her word for it. You should know better then that Romanoff" Fury said with a hint of disappointment. I just worked my jaw not saying anything. "Alright then, how about the rest?" He asked. No one said anything, because no one knew. "You mean to tell me a teenager waltzed herself into the most secure place in the planet and then walked her self right into a cage and you didn't ask any questions?" He said with disbelief. Everyone seemed to shift uncomfortably and avoid eye contact. Fury looked at Maria and she shrugged. He sighed and pinched in nose, "ok, let's pull up the feed." He said. Stark hit a button and a live feed came on the monitor. She was walking around, but then she laughed, she seemed to be having a conversation with...herself? "What am I looking at?" Fury said. We just shrug. "is she ok?" Steve said. No one said anything, then she takes out a knife. shit "please tell me someone checked her for weapons?" Fury said glancing at everyone. We all sat in silence. He sighed, looking back at the screen. She then smirked and started to pull out more weapons, "where the hell is she pulling them from!?" Stark exclaims. She then turns to the camera and gives a little wave. We all go wide eyed. Fury turns to us, "explain" he demanded. No one knew what to do. "Ok, you all are, you are supposed to be the best. What is this!? I want her in an interrogation room now." He demanded then he walked out. I stood up and walked out after him. "She is not a prisoner. She's my daughter" I hissed at him. He turned and gave me an unimpressed look. "You know better Natasha. Get her in the interrogation room. I want to have a chat with her. Then we can pull DNA." He said and walked away with Maria. I sighed and went back to her cell. As I got there she was waiting patiently on the bed, her weapons away. "Hey, I see you found the camera" I said. She laughed, "was it supposed to be hidden?" She said jokingly. I looked at her in disbelief, " boss, the director of Shield want to talk with you. He also wants to make sure you're who you say you are." I told her. "I surprised really, I would have thought you guys would have done a DNA test or even searched me." She said with a smirk. I rubbed the back of my neck. "Ya, not our finest moment." I said. She laughed and shook her head. "Sure where are the cuffs?" She asked. My eyes went wide, "I'm not going to cuff you." I said plainly. No way, she's my daughter! She shrugs and walks up to the door, opening it and walking out. I just stare at her. "Are you coming?" She asks. " did you do that? You know what nevermind, let's go." I say while shaking my head. She just smiles and follows me. I lead her to the interrogation room and lead her in, "just hang tight he'll be in soon." I say. She nods and I walk out. I go to the conference room where the team is, the screen is set up with live feed of the interrogation room. "How did she get out of the cell?" Clint asks. "I have no idea." I said while taking a seat. We watch as Fury walks in.

POV Sasha

 Natasha left me in the interrogation room and I just sat there staring at the 2-way glass. Do you think we should discuss what our next move is. Your the one who talked me into this. This is all on you. I was just trying to be nice. The last time I choose life over death. I rolled my eyes but smirked. Just as I was about to get a knife out to fiddle with that a pirate? Comes walking in. She pulls out the chair across from me and sits down. "Hello Sasha. My name is Nick Fury. I'm the director of Shield." He says. I just stare at him waiting for him to continue. "Since my secure base was just breached and my supposedly top team was just fooled by a teenager I have some questions." He said I could help but smirk at him. "How do we know you are who you say you are. You were a Red room assassin and possibly Hydra asset as well. How do we know what you say is true." He questions. I tilt my head slightly, "you don't" I say and lean back. He narrows his eye at me. "I would recommend you cooperate it will be easier for you. Where were you all this time. How do you know Red Lion? They are wanted for murder." He said. "Like I told Natasha, Red Lion saved me. Sure they killed a few people but do you honestly get to tell me you are any better? If I recall correctly you killed half a city, you brought aliens to New York, you let Hydra slink into power. I think your the real murderers." I let a harsh laugh out. "Your mighty avengers are murderers. You kill families, friends, you kill children. So excuse me if Red Lion killed Hydra agents, that YOU we're supposed to have taken care of. So thank you. Thank you Mr. Pirate man for your service." I said in false appreciation. He pursed his lips and leaned back I to his chair. "Who did we take from you?" He asked after a moment. I laughed. "Me? I had nothing for you to take. You just sold me to Hydra." I say, he furrowed his brows. "Oh, you don't remember do you? I was the shipment you told your team was not worth intercepting. I found out a year later, one of the Hydra agents left me unchained and I went through the files. That was the reason they started experimentation sooner. They knew shield knew about their plans. But you didn't come, STRIKE TEAM DELTA was assigned. Natasha and Clint. She was right there. I think you have your hands full with Natasha, not me." I say monotoned. He just stares at me. "Your right. I did give the order for them to leave the package, but I didn't know it was a child." He said, "you created Red Lion, that was the program. So really your responsible for what they have done." I say. He looks at me carefully. "You know who they are?" He asks. "I do." I state plainly. "Do you want to share that information?" He asks."no, not really. I would like to speak to Yelena though. I have to tell her something" I say. He narrows his eyes and looks behind him. "You can use your com to talk to agent Hill I know she's there. I also know the camera is recording a live feed to the other, so.." I turn to the camera, "Yelena, снежинка" (snowflake) I say and sit back. Fury gets up and walks out.

Red Lion - Natasha Romanoff's daughter Where stories live. Discover now