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POV Sasha

Yesterday was not my finest moment. This...Place. This place is making me weak. These...People. These people are making me soft. I once again caved for my mama and fell alseep in her arms. This time I did not wait around when I woke up. I needed out. Kate, Yelena, Natasha, Wanda. They are confusing me. Gus is confusing me. He killed my friend. She wasn't supose to be there. She was kind and gentle but of course, her knowing me got her killed. This is why I stay alone. I hurt people I care for. This is why only a monster, an alien like creature could love me. Ha, who am I even kidding. He doesn't love me. He needs me to survive. Now that our blood is practically fused together their is no going back. I am offically the Red Lion. Me. I am a cold blooded killer...We I already was but now I am a monster...Ok, we I guess now I am Double the killer and monster.

I huff staring in at the mirror in my bathroom. "Why are you being so quiet?" I say looking at myself. I thought you wouldn't want to speak to me. Gus says making me sigh. "It doesn't matter anymore. We need to focus. Are you sure we should tell Wanda? Gus we can just go" I say in a hushed whisper. This is your family. You finally got your mom back. I can't make you leave. He says making me glare at the mirror. "You are soft" I mutter making him laugh in my head. It's because of you. Speading time in your head. I spent a lot of lonely years alone. But you...Sasha you are different. I vowed to protect you. Shield your heart and I did. I made you this... "You didn't make me anything Gus. You protected me. You did what I couldn't do and for that they want you killed. It should be me" I say and he sighs in my head. Tell the witch. She will understand. It will be easier if you can talk to someone...other than me...to work this out. I bow my head noding a bit. "Ok...But if you come out..." I say trailing off looking back in the mirror. I'll behave. I roll my eyes standing straight before stripping and hoping into the shower.

I was on a mission. Find Wanda. But I failed. The second I walked out the door. "Sasha! Are you ok? I was just coming to check on you. I was worried and I saw you didn't come down to breakfast so I thought I would bring you something" Kate rushes out making me blink at her not processing it right away. She stands awkwardly holding a plate of food a faint pink on her cheeks. "Oh, uh thank you. I am fine. My powers..." I say trailing off waving my hand around my head a bit making her smile a bit nodding. "Oh ya I get it...Well I don't because I'm human and don't have any cool powers. Well unless you count my cool trick arrows! But those aren't really poweres..." She rambles making me blink at her again. Does she understand what comes out of her mouth? "I go it" I say nodding making her blush a bit laughing before handing me the plate. "Thank you." I say smiling awkwardly at her. "Ya, ya no problem. Breakfast is the most important part of the day" She says smilinng and she both just look at each other in awkward silence. "Ok, well I'm going to..." I say nodding my head towards my door making her eyes widen. "Oh ya, ya. Enjoy! I'll see you later?" She says but it's more of a question. "Ya, see you later Kate Bishop" I say and she smiles not leaving so I slip back into my room. That was the funniest think I witnessed in my whole life. Gus says laughing making me growl setting my plate down not intrested in eating. "That did not go as expected" I mumble blocking out Gus' laughter.

My second attempt does not go as planned either. It's like they know the second I walk out of my room. This time it is Natasha. "Oh hey, I was just coming to check on you. You were up before I was" She says looking a bit worried but smiling slightly still. "Are you feeling better?" She asks stepping a bit closer to me. "Yes, thank you. I'm sorry to have been a pain" I say embarrassed at my actions. "Oh no малыш, you are never a pain. Not to me" She says sternly but with soft features. "What happened?" She asks softly. She looks like she wants to reach out and hold me but doesn't I myself is conflicted. I want her to I want to melt into my mothers arms...Shit. I called her mama yesterday. "My powers. They do that sometimes when I get overwhelmed" I lie a bit. It's not totally wrong. "Do you want to see Bruce? Maybe he could help" She says but I shake my head no. "It doesn't happen often. Yesterday was... A lot" I admit looking down. "Can...Can I hug you?" She asks quietly making me look up at her. Swallowing I nod slowly and a smile makes its way on her face. Slowly, like walking up to a wild animal, she wraps me up into a hug. She smells of Vanilla and gunpowder. I sigh relaxing into the her, her scent and warmth triggering a feeling in me. One I push away. "Did you eat breakfast?" She asks pulling away slightly stroking my hair. "Yes, Kate brought some to me" I mumble and frown seeing her smirk lightly. "Kate huh?" She teases making me frown deeper. "Yes, that is what I said" I say pulling away rasing an eyebrow. Her smirk drops and she backs up a bit smiling lightly. "Ok, I have to do some work. Most of us will be working tracking leads down. Thank you for the help" She says and I nod. "Sorry I couldn't do more" I say and she nods heading down the hall. I huff a breath out leaning on my door. At this rate they may find me before you talk to Wanda. Gus says and I roll my eyes. He's not wrong.

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