DNA Troubles

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Hey guys!! Sorry for the wait I've been a bit busy and focused on my other story. I have a couple more chapters writen. This one's going to go deeper into Natasha and Sasha's relationship. They are going to talk!!! Enjoy!

I snuggle up into her but I'm still apprehensive. Look at this. You look so happy! Gus says. It will take time but I hope I can have my family back. Thank you Gus for trying, and just know you are always my family. I'm not leaving you or forgetting you. I tell him and I feel warmth spread through my body like a hug and I smile. We'll be ok...I will be ok.

POV Sasha

I woke up with a start. Great again I think as I groan and get up out of bed. It's been a week of living in the tower and it's ok. I'm still definitely not trusting of them. I've been trying to give Natasha a chance but I still get a little angry when I even look at her at times. I've gotten closer to Wanda since she's "helping" me learn about my power and control them but I already have those down. Kate has been... Annoying but she's alright. Gus keeps saying she has a crush on me but why? She could do so much better, I'm just a broken experiment with two personalities. Anyway I made my way to the gym and am now beating the shit out of a punching bag. It's like 2am and I know I won't be able to sleep. Want to talk about it? Gus asks. No. Why do you care anyway. Going soft? I snark back. I'm not soft. I just care about you. We can always torch this place up and call it a day he says and I chuckle a bit. No thanks. They are growing on me. I say and he sighs. Ok fine... How about you let me stretch a bit? He asks and I sigh. Last time you stretched I ended up in some weird ass body swapping shit. No thanks. I say and take a breath and grab some water. Kill joy! Come on live a little. he tries but I shake my head. "Shut up" I say please...please! I need to get tries again. "Will you shut the fuck up please" I say a bit louder. And he groans. Come on. It's either that or I go on a killing spree. He says. "Get out of my head!" I raise my voice and hit my head. Well let me out then! He yells. I groan out of frustration and turn about and blast the bag with fire. "fuck!" I shout as I just burnt my hand. What the fuck!? How.... "I don't know... But that hurt." I groan in pain. I look at my hand and see a nice burn mark that is blistering. "What the actual fuck" I say and go to wrap my hand. "Is everything alright Mrs. Romanoff?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asks. "Shit... Ya I'm fine" I say startled a bit. "I can call for your mother if you want?" F.R.I.D.A.Y says and I roll my eye. "Please don't" I say. I finish wrapping my hand and sit down on the bench. This could be the effect of switching bodies and my powers are rubbing off on you. Gus says. "Maybe but why did it hurt so much? It doesn't effect me when you take over" I say. Maybe because... Didn't you say something about our cells or something? Gus asks. "Ya... I need to run some test" I think out loud and grab my stuff.

After showering carefully and changing I snuck out of the compound and put in my code that will reset F.R.I.D.A.Y so no one knows I left. I still have my stuff in the woods just outside of the gate. I grabbed all my stuff and brought it back with me. I then went to an old lab room Tony has that no one uses. I found it when I was doing surveillance on the place. I set my stuff up and opened my laptop to my blood work and labs. I then drew some blood and turned on the microscope. "My cells seem to be changing... They're invaded in some molecule... Compared to the DNA I took from when we changed that one time. It's a mutation of that and mine. It's brand new DNA..." I mumble out loud. Please tell me that doesn't mean another party is joining? I can't handle that. How do human work? Gus asks. I huff a laugh out. "no... My DNA is changing and I'm pretty sure we are merging? It's not complete though which is why is hurt so bad." I say. Merging? Like becoming one? But how does that work then? What happens to me or you? Gus asks. "I don't know... I don't know" I whisper and we both go quiet. I look at the time and see it's 7. "Wow, time goes by fast" I mumble and decide to pack up. I'm pretty sure Natasha is at least up. "I really hope I don't have to see the guys again. That was awful" I sigh. When I officially met the other avengers let's just say they don't really like me. Well... Tony thinks I'm funny but he doesn't like me being smarter. Steve is just a golden boy "follow the rules" which is bullshit so he doesn't like me I think. Vision just stares at me then walks away...through a wall. Bruce I think is afraid of me and thor... Well he's a dumb sack of rocks. The girls seem to be ok and I'm pretty sure my mom had a thing with this Maria Hill lady but whatever.  

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