Trying and Lullabies

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Hey! Here's the next one!

POV Sasha

I feel weird. Like oddly calm. I actually slept the whole night without waking up in fear... Something is wrong. I slowly open my eyes getting in tune with my surroundings ready for anything. I notice I'm in my room, in my bed... Ok that's a start, maybe a noise woke me up? I think as I start to sit up but freeze when I feel a weight on my chest. I fight off panic and look down to see a blob of brunette hair in my face. I blink. Once. Twice. Then furrow my brows. Kate. I think and slowly lower my head back down. What do I do? Do I wake her? No that's rude Sash. Well, what do you want me to do!? Mmm, maybe maneuver around her to get out? That could wake her up Gus. I say and he hums in thought. It's not that bad, she does smell good. He says making me roll my eyes. You also slept the best you have ever gotten since being with me. He says and I sigh. He is right. Is this what woke me up? No, her cute little snores... Man, I am going soft. You and your obliviousness are making me mush! He yells making me laugh quietly but then glare at the ceiling. I am not oblivious! I don't like her like that Gus and even if I did in the SLIGHTLEST she would never feel the same. I am broken and darkness. She is light and good. I say saddened but then realize that I might actually like her. Maybe she can be the one to heal your broken heart and my dark soul. He says making me smile at the thought but then scold myself for thinking that and brush that away. Before I can do anything, I hear a small grumble that was NOT cute and feel Kate shift on top of me. I wait as she wakes herself up rather slowly. "Ugh! I hate mornings" she mumbled making me stifle a laugh which making her freeze. "You are one to complain Katie, you slept on me." I tease and I she relaxes but groans flopping her head in my neck making me laugh a bit. "Sorry" she mumbles and sifts up slowly rubbing her eyes. "It is ok Katie. You should go get ready breakfast is soon and I would like to avoid everyone" I say, and she looks at me with a 'really' face making me sigh. "You said you would try Sashy." She pouts standing up looking at me. I narrow my eyes at the nickname. "Call me that again and I will not try" I say, and she sighs dramatically. "Fine. But I still need a nickname for you." She says pointing at me making me roll my eyes as she walks out. 

"Purpyeye?" She says as we walk down the hall to the kitchen "No" I say unamused. She huffs as we walk into the kitchen where Wanda is cooking, and Yelena, Hill Natasha are sitting at the counter drinking coffee. "MindPurp!" Kate shouts bringing attention to us. I groan and glare at her. "No" I say rolling my eyes and moving to sit near Yelena as she is the furthest from Natasha and Hill. "Oh, come on! That one was good" Kate complains plopping down in-between Hill and Yelena. "It makes me want to kill you and myself simultaneously" I deadpan making Yelena laugh. "Oh! Ok, ok how about Redbend!" She says like she just said the best thing ever. "No, that one makes me want to gut you" I say annoyed now but Yelena finds this amusing. "Oh, come on! You have red hair and bend light! At least it's not purple anymore" She argues. "I'm glad you can make basic observations Katie but if you ever call me that I will shoot you with your own arrows" I say making her huff. "Ok, ok enough violence." Hill says making me scowl. I'm about to tell her off but Kate glares at me making me bite my tongue. "What are you guys even talking about?" Natasha asks making me scowl more. "Her superhero name! She needs one." She says and Yelena snorts. "She is a widow, there you go." Yelena says and Kate pouts. "No, there is already Black Widow and White Widow. that would be boring, and she has cool powers!" She groans out making everyone chuckle a bit. "Why not red or purple widow then?" Yelena asks and Kate huffs. "It's not as cool" she says, and I roll my eyes. "OK, well how about breakfast?" Wanda asks interrupting. "Please" I beg wanting to get away making Yelena and Wanda laugh. We head over to the table and sit down, Natash, Hill and Wanda on one side and Kate, Yelena and I on the other. I place myself at the end across from Wanda, so I didn't have to look at Hill or Natasha. I would probably lose my appetite. "So, what are the plans for today?" Kate asks after taking a bite of her food. "Well Fury is coming for a meeting after lunch, so we have till then. Natasha, Yelena and I already trained so not much" Hill says making me roll my eyes. "We should train sometime Sasha" Wanda says with a smile making me nod. "Sure, that would be fun to actually fight someone who hard for once" I say taking a bite seeing Wanda smile. "Oh! I want to watch" Kate says excitedly wiggling in her chair. "Me too" Yelena says smiling at me. "We should all watch. I'm sure everyone would like to see the extent of her powers and what she can do" Hill says making me scowl at her. Natasha is being oddly quiet and the only one who looks guilty is Wanda. She is the only one who knows what it's like to have deadly powers and be looked at as the villain. I scuff making Kate glare at me since Yelena sits between us. "We can just hang out and talk. I'm sure Sasha would like to get to know everyone more." Kate says making me glare right back at her. "Yes, and I would like to get to know my niece better" Yelena says wrapping her arm around me. This is going to be hell.

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