Chapter 1.

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"You need to get a job!" My Mother yells at me. "That's what I've been trying to do for the past 3 months!" I yell back at her, screaming out the word 'months'. "You go out clubbing with your friends!" She continues, now giving me a headache.
"Just because I go have fun with my friends doesn't mean I'm not putting in the effort to find a job." I explain to her, crossing my arms together. "You're 22 years old, downing drinks and consuming drugs every night? You're and adult! You need to act like one, except you don't act like an adult you act as if you need someone to hold your God damn hand still!"
"Mum! It's not that easy to get a job here in this city! I'm trying, but you don't support me what's so ever. You don't even work so you can't keep patronising me!" I yell back towards her, not regretting what I've already said. "You have no respect for me. I work in this house. I clean the house, I cook, I pay for the bills and WIFI etc. I do everything in this house!"
"That's not a job. It doesn't make you a 'stay at home Mum.' Who do you gotta take care of? No one besides yourself! I can take care of myself!" I yell, turning back to my laptop. "I suggest you get the hell out of my house right now and find a job." She screams at me. "So you're kicking me out?" I question. "I'm telling you to do better for your life."
"Great, that's awesome. The award for the best Mother goes to Mary FUCKING MURPHY!" I scream as I slam my laptop closed.
"Melissa, do as you're told." She continues. "Don't worry Mum, I will. I'm not coming back." I threaten. I don't really care, I'm sick of living with her. She's not capable to be a Mother at all. I got up from my seat and packed a few things that I would need. "Where are you planning on staying?" She asked me. "I don't think you fucking care." I say.
"Answer me." She raises her voice, once again. "You've just kicked me out so there's no reason for you to know where I'm going." I said to her, being a smart arse.
   "With what money?" She smiled, rudely. "I've got money." I laughed and walked out of my ex-bedroom getting ready to leave the house. "If you walk out that door, you're not coming back." She calls out. "Fuck you!" I scream and I stuck my finger up at her and left the house, slamming the door behind me. I lied, I don't have much money. At least for somewhere to stay by myself. I just couldn't be in that house anymore. Not with her.
She doesn't even work at all yet she torments me into finding a job. I am finding jobs, it's just really hard to get one in this city. I live in a poorly stated area. It's small. So it's hard for me to get a really good job here. Especially because I don't drive, I take a bus into town, the rich city. Which is 1 hour and a bit away from where I live.
Of course if I get a job in the city I would make the effort to take a bus for that long. I want to work. I'm eager to work.
I just don't understand why I'm not getting accepted. It must be me. I pull out my phone and start dialling a phone number.

"So let me get this straight. You called me because you had a fight with your Mum who kicked you out of the house and now you don't have a place to stay?"
"Exactly." I said with guilt upon my face. "And you want to crash with me?"
"In this apartment?"
"In MY apartment?"
"Roni, please. Just...just until I get money for my own place." I cried out. "Listen, come to my place and we'll talk more about it." We hung up the phone and I head straight to her place.
Veronica Thatcher, AKA Roni, is my best friend. We met in high school. She's got that beautiful brown straight hair that's parted on the side, pale fair skin, you could literally see your own reflection looking through her blue ocean eyes, she's short and skinny. She's the definition of beauty. She's a clumsy type of girl but also very smart and funny.
I can't talk, I am clumsy too. But, I'm not talking about clumsy me. I'm talking about clumsy Roni. She's been my best friend since the start of year 7 of high school. It was the first day of teenage years and everyone was beginning to think they were instantly cool as soon as they stepped foot into the school grounds.
My first class...let me rephrase that, our first class together was sports. We were playing basketball and everyone was put into teams. Roni was put on my team. She talked way too much and when I mean too much I mean, Miss Chatterbox. She was very pumped up to play and to my surprise she was killing it out in the field. I wasn't more of a fitness sports girl, but she had it in her.


I remember that day visibly like it was only yesterday.
She was throwing the ball to me so I could catch it but unfortunately for me, the ball hit my face. It hit me so hard in the face to the point where it dropped me to the ground like a bird getting hit in the sky. I was a little dramatic, but I played it cool. "Are you okay?" She asked me as she offered me her pale hand. I looked up in annoyance but took her hand. "I'm fine."
After that class, we had lunch. She followed me which I don't know why. It really concerned me. "What do you want?" I asked her, being cold. "Whoa, didn't mean to cut your tail there. I came to apologise to you." She said to me. I didn't look at her. "You should be." I said, coldly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I thought you would have heard me or something."
"Okay you apologised, I accepted now leave me alone."
     "Wait, don't you want to have friends?" She asked me. "If you're asking to be friends with me, don't bother. I'm saying no."
   "Don't be cold. It's the first day of year 7. Don't let my negative accidents get in your way of your first day of year 7. Have a go at being friends with me and if you end up hating me then I'll leave." I guess she has a fair point. "Fine." I finally said and that was when we became friends. Best friends.


"Hello?! Earth to Melissa?!" I was put back into reality when I heard Roni shake me like a salt shaker. "Did you not just hear me?" She asked me. "I must have been day dreaming, I'm sorry." I apologised. "You okay? You've been dozing off a lot lately too." She mentioned. "It's nothing serious, we don't need to get into it. What did you tell me?" I asked her, scratching my head. "I said, you can stay with me—"
"You have no idea how much of a hero you are right now." I interrupted Roni, hugging her. "Hold up, I'm not done talking. I have this family friend who has a friend that works at this company called 'Flores'."
"Yeah? That person is lucky." I say. "I know. I was thinking, I can talk to her and see if she can arrange a position for you."
"There's no way that that's gonna happen." I say as I doubt her. "Why not? You've been rejected from majority of these jobs in our small little town. The least you can do is try." She mentions. "That place is famous for their clothing. You think they'll let me work for them?" I asked in doubt. "Just give it chance." She suggested. "This might change your life if you get this job." She continued. I guess she's right, I can only try. "Fine. Would you talk to your family friends for me?" I asked her crossing my arms. "Yes and I'll keep you updated for any other updates."
"I'm counting on you." I say, pointing rudely but playfully at her. "I'll make this happen for you." Is all she said then left to go call her family friend. I walked into the guest bedroom and dropped my things on the floor, ready to lay in bed.

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