Chapter 6.

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"I've always been hesitant to take my assistants to a conference or any important meetings in that matter because the last few I've had ruined them for me. They were as stupid as a dodo." Mr Banks explained to me. It was quite intimidating and he sounded extremely serious. Mr Banks came closer towards me, now speaking into my ear. I could feel his warm breath burn my skin. It gave me shivers down my body. I couldn't resist the urge to shake. "If you sabotage my chance to finally get an alliance with these people, there will be consequences and you won't like it at all. Do you hear me?" All I did was nod my head 'yes' as I couldn't speak one word.
We entered the building, the first thing we see is a beautiful lobby. A massive chandelier that brights up the whole room. We walked up towards the receptionist not long after Mr Banks spoke.
"Good morning. I'm here to see Mr Wayne. I have a very important meeting with him this morning." Mr Banks says to the women behind the desk. She is so beautiful. But sheesh, I couldn't tell if her cheeks were naturally that red or she generally couldn't put make-up on to save her life because her cheeks are as red as a baboons arse. Other than that, she is still so beautiful.
Nope. I think she may be blushing at the sight of Mr Banks. It does seem like it. To be fair, she has a point. Just look at him. She was clearly frothing over Mr Banks.
"Yes, he is in his office. I'll call him down." She said. It looked like she was flirting. She couldn't keep her eyes off Mr Banks. Her smile was frozen as she calls Mr Wayne into the lobby. "Mr Wayne, you have arrivals here for you." She says, still staring directly into his eyes. "Who may the arrivals be?" He answered instantly with a stern voice. "Mr Banks, sir." She answered. "Won't be long." He replied but his voice was even serious. It made me very nervous.
I'm so nervous because I've never done this before and I'm scared if I'd ruin this for Mr Banks. I don't want to do that to him and I certainly don't want him to think of me as a dodo.
"Ah, so glad to see you, Colby Banks." The man in front of us I assume is Mr Wayne says as he walks by us in the lobby. "I'm honoured to be here." Colby says. They both shake each other's hand. "And who's this lovely women here?" I look up at Mr Banks seeing if I can speak. He nods 'yes' so I start introducing myself. "Good morning, Mr Wayne. I'm Melissa Murphy. Heard so much about you and this company and I am too very honoured to be here." I say with a smile as Mr Wayne shakes my hand.
"What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman, Melissa." He says, completely ignoring what I had just said. "I hope she isn't like the other women we had in here, Mr Banks." He says but only whispers to his ear. He was very stern about it and I stood there feeling quite awkward. I stay calm and professional, pretending not to hear what he was saying.
"All is good." Is all Mr Banks said.
"Please, come with me to my office." Mr Wayne says as he waves his hand signalling us to follow him. We finally entered his office which was so nice, it smelt fresh and floral. His windows stand out the most as they are literally the biggest thing in this room. "Take a seat." Mr Wayne says as he sat down on his chair behind the desk. "So, I'd love to hear what you have for me today."
"Yes of course, I would like to present it to you with a PowerPoint that my assistant, Miss Murphy has provided." Mr Banks mentions. He said my last name right. I actually can't believe he is pronouncing my name the way it should be. Does this mean I'm doing a good job here and not messing this up for him? Does this mean he will respect me the way he wants to be respected by his employees?
"Yeah sure, of course." Mr Wayne replies with a small smile on his face.
"I, Mr Banks, owns one of the best fashion companies, 'Flores'. We have clothing suitable for all genders. All kinds of clothing, you name it. Comfortable material and well fitted for your preferred sizes. My employees and my self have come up with this newly designed dress. Sizes for men too. We've spent a while designing this dress and I would feel very honoured if one of your beautiful models here in this building would be able to try it on." Mr Banks says with a confident expression on his face.
"What do you insist on if my models love this dress?" Mr Wayne asked. "Well, of course your team and I will team up. Build an alliance and work together. Bonus, we can throw a celebration event party." He replies. Mr Banks is so confident. He definitely knew exactly what to say. "And what if my models dislike the dress?"
God damn, Mr Wayne is very intimidating right now. He seems like he knows what he's saying as well. Then again, these two are very experienced professionals who have had so much experience. God knows how long.
"Then, I guess that will be that and there won't be any alliances between this company and mine." Mr Banks replies in a more low tone in his voice. He sounds like he really wants to team up.
"What do you think Miss Murphy?"
"Pardon me?" I say. "What do you think? About the dress?" Mr Wayne asked me. I wasn't ready to speak, I didn't know what to say and I didn't think he would even be talking to me. At this point, I had to come up with something. I can't mess this up for Mr Banks. My throat was clogged and I felt like I was chocking on air. I cleared my throat and finally was able to speak.
"Mr Wayne, as Mr Banks assistant. I too have tried on this dress." I lied "I can guarantee you that your models will love this dress. It indeed is extremely comfortable and beautiful fabric. So, to the answer to your question. Yes, you should. I believe your models deserve to try it on and be able to experience the feeling and comfort of this dress." I added on after I notice a small 'hmm' come out of Mr Wayne's mouth. I looked at Mr Banks, but he didn't give eye contact to me. I hope I didn't fuck this up.
"May I see the dress?" Mr Wayne asked. I picked up the dress from beside me and took it out of the waterproof hanging bag. I stood out of my chair and showed Mr Wayne. He seemed very impressed and to be honest with you. I was impressed with it too.
"What do you say, Mr Wayne?" Colby asked him. "Keep the dress here with me, I'll send in a few of my models to try it on and I'll email you if we alliance or not." Mr Wayne explained. I was relieved, but not fully relieved. We still had to wait for that email to be positive. "Thankyou."
"No, thankyou." Mr Wayne said as he shook Colby's hand once more. "And thanks to you too, Miss Melissa Murphy." He said and he kissed my hand. I don't think that's appropriate but I went a long with it as I didn't want to seem rude. But I looked at Colby nervously whilst Mr Wayne couldn't see me. "Please, call me Melissa." I say. "Well Melissa, thank you for coming."
"It was an honour, we appreciate the stay." I replied as I gave him a weak smile. We headed out of his office and walked downstairs to where the exit is. I felt a hand grasp at my arm tightly. I managed to not scream out of pain but stopped my tracks and looked at Colby. "What was that for?" I asked him as he kept his grip on my arm tightly. "No, what was that?" He asked me aggressively but in a low whisper. "Which part? The part where I didn't do anything wrong or the part where I LITERALLY didn't do anything wrong?" I asked sarcastically and rudely, with a low whisper.
"Don't talk back at me. You know what I mean." He said, nudging me. "When he kissed my hand?" Colby looked up after I questioned him. "Col-Mr Banks, as much as I knew it was inappropriate I had to let it slide." I say. "Why would you let him do it? This is work, not a strip club." He says and he raised his voice a little but with that low whisper still in his tone.
"I didn't want to ruin this opportunity for you. What if he had been mad if I told him to stop? I was scared."
"Scared of what?" He asked annoyed.
"Losing this job."
"I don't want to hear another word, Bandit will take you home."
"But it's still early." I mentioned to him confused as I checked the time. "I don't care what the time is, you can leave early." Was the last thing he had said. We entered the limo, leaving it silent the whole ride. "Thank you Bandit." I say as we arrive at Roni's place and Bandit smiles at me.
I enter Roni's apartment and for some reason it was quiet. It's never really quiet in here. Either she's gone out or she's asleep.
"Roni!" I yell out wondering where she is. I didn't get an answer so I checked her room. She was asleep. Of course.
I'm home early so I decided to message Caleb as I am able to see him today.


YOU - Hey, change of plans. You still want to grab that coffee with me?

CALEB - Sure, sweetheart. Pick you up at 6pm?

YOU - Sounds like a plan.



"So, what made you change your mind?" Caleb asked me as I smile directly into his beautiful blue eyes. "My boss sent me home earlier." I replied. "Really? Did he fire you?"
"No he didn't, I honestly don't know why he sent me home early." I answered as I took a sip of my coffee. "Lucky you." He says and we both laugh in sync. "So uh, tell me about yourself." He said, not breaking his smile. "There's nothing really special about me." I say, fidgeting with my fingers.
"Oh come on, don't say that. Tell me about yourself, beautiful." He said as he grabbed my hand and held it tightly but not too tight. It felt nice. I feel my cheeks redden once he called me beautiful. Stop it Melissa. "Okay. I'm 22 years old. I'm a straight A student. Which means I was the biggest nerd in my school." I say and we both laughed. "What makes you say that about yourself?" He asked me. "If you think about it. I'm a straight A student, with a GPA score that's super high and I mean 3.0 and 4.0." I mentioned, whispering the scores in the end. "Holy shit." He said as he raised his bushy eye brows and widened his eyes.
"Yeah. I enjoyed school. Never missed a day." I say smiling.
"I like that. You're very smart." He says. Yeah he's definitely making me blush, hard. "Recently, I just moved in with my best friend, Roni. My Mum didn't seem to like me enough to be there so I left." I continued to say to him but this time, with sadness. "I'm so sorry to hear that. As long as you have your best friend with you that's all that matters. I'm glad she's taking care of you." He says. Caleb is so sweet about it. I feel confident and less judged even more when I speak to him.
"So, tell me about you." I say, clearing my throat. "Okay this is where it's gonna get boring." He laughed. "Why would you say that?" I smiled. "Because unlike you, the smartest most beautiful women, I'm nothing compared to you. I'm what's boring." He replied, making me frown. "Tell me about yourself." I said once I put my hand on his very own this time. "Well, I am 24 years old, I'm not a smart person but I still graduated which is a relief." He says making the both of us chuckle. "Growing up, I enjoyed sports. I now work as a bartender. I wanted to be a coach but couldn't get the role. My GPA wasn't as good as yours."
"Hey, being a bartender is still really cool." That's generally cool, I would do work behind the bar. "No no, not as good as yours. You work at a huge company. Then there's me."
"You're still working at a great place, Caleb." I said trying to make him feel good about it, which he should. "I appreciate that. You're so kind."
"You are too. I'm so glad we've met." I say but he smiles and takes a sip of his coffee.
"I better get going."
"So soon?" He asked me with a sad look upon his face.
"I'll see you another time?" I asked.
"Yes, please do."
"I had fun with you." I mention grabbing a hold of his hand.
"I did too, Melissa." He responded. I let go and we said good bye.

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