Chapter 16.

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"I'm sorry it's...been one hell of a week." I say, brushing my fingers through my hair. "You can say that again. What's been happening with you and...Mr Wanye? Did I hear it right or...has he been bugging you?" Donna asked me with a couple pauses in her sentences.
"Oh God, don't even get me started on him." I complain. "What did he do?" Donna asked me as I took a sip out of my coffee cup. Donna and I have been getting really close ever since I spoke to her that one day and I'm enjoying her presence a lot lately.
"He's creepy. I've have to block his phone number because he wouldn't stop spamming me text messages. Asking me out for coffee, begging me to be his assistant, all this kind of crap. I don't even know how he got my number either." I explain to her.
"Oh my God. So-so he's a stalker on top of all of it?"
"Well...I guess but...tsk. He's just so stressful" I mention, adding a sigh out loud. I'm so glad we had this talk.
"You guys are always gossiping. Seems like I'm the only person in this building who's ACTUALLY doing my job, that I love." Shane says as he approaches us, interrupting our conversation.
"Do you always need to be like this?" Donna asked him, rudely. A call from Colby interrupts our conversation. Donna and Shane's voices now fade away as I answer the call.

I open the door and notice Colby seated at his desk, with dark circles under his eyes. Lack of sleep? That makes the two of us. "Good, you're here. Change of plans." Colby says as I seat myself in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "What's happening?" I asked, adding a small chuckle.
"We're flying." Is all he says as he stood up from his chair, fixing himself up. "Flying? I'm sorry? I'm not following."
"What's there not to follow?" He asked me in a stern voice then raises his brows up. I breathe deeply then exhaled, clearing my throat. "Flying doesn't explain why we have changed plans."
"We need to attend a business meeting and it's urgent." Colby said with a neutral expression pasted on his face. I just stare at him.
"Hold on...flying in a plane?"
"Spot on, good girl."
"I've...never been on a plane before." I say.
"Are you nervous?" Colby asked with a whisper that always gets me hot and bothered. His face was close to mine. I could feel his warm breath heating up my skin. "No." I whispered, tilting my head. "Then this is a great opportunity for you to enjoy yourself." He says as he jolts his body back.
"Come with me." He answers and so I follow behind him. We leave the office and head out to the parking lot. This time, Bandit wasn't there and I remember this car, it's Colby's. I guess he's driving?
I plop onto my seat in the front and close the door. As soon as I turn my head, I am now met with Colby's burning gaze. "Ready?" He asked me, still staring into my boring eyes. I squirm in my seat. "Yes." I answered and he starts the car.
"How's Guppy?" I asked out of the blue. "Guppy's fine." He replied, staring at the road as he drives. "You didn't tell me he was a massive dog. The name Guppy doesn't sound too massive for a dog."
He brushes the tip of his nose and quickly turns his head to look at me...then back at the road. "Guppy is a gentle dog. He'd never hurt a soul."
"Oh no, he was great!" I say, interrupting him. Colby sighs.
"I've had Guppy since my niece turned 7. She picked him. Unfortunately, she passed away. So I kept Guppy and took care of him." Colby explained. It saddened me to hear this. Especially seeing how low he sounds.
"How old was...your niece when she passed?" I asked, respectfully. He scratches the side of his cheek then answers. "10." My mouth parted of surprise.
"She had cancer." He added. "Mr Banks, I-I'm so sorry." I say with saddens. I try and give him as much comfort and care. But all I could do was apologise.
"I dated someone that... never was really fond of animals. And Guppy...she says he's too big, too messy. All this bullshit. She wanted him I wanted her out. I broke it off with her." Colby explains. I've never seen him with this much sadness.
Could this lead to the story line of that random lady? Was she really telling the truth? Is Colby really telling the truth?
They both are telling two different stories that seem as if they link in one whole story. I stay silent, waiting for Colby to continue but he doesn't.
"How long were you in this relationship for?" I asked. I got really curious that I didn't even hesitate to ask. "Long time." He answered, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Have you been in any other relationships after her?"
"I don't do relationships anymore." He answered pretty quick. But what caught on to me quicker was that...the bitterness and dryness in his voice tells me there's so much more to it.

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