Chapter 2.

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"Melissa, I've...been trying to call her but there was no answer. I've messaged her to give me a call back though." Roni says. I could always count on her. She's so supportive.
"Thanks Roni." I say as I stay seated on my comfortable bed. "What are you watching?" She asked me once she sat right beside me. "A random show, I don't even know, I've never seen it until now." I replied.
"Is it any good?"
"Na, not really. I'm thinking of going to sle-" I was cut off when Roni's phone had rung. "It's Zelda." She said and she stood up quickly, answering the phone. "Hey Zelda." Roni speaking Zelda's name was the last thing I heard her say before she walked out my room. I really wanted to know what they were saying...
After a bit, Roni had come back from her call with Zelda. "Good news. Your interview is now scheduled for tomorrow 2:30pm at Flores. She did say that there is a lot of candidates who have applied for the position so you might not get the job. But on the other hand, at least you got an interview." She explained and I was thankfully relieved. "Getting rejected is nothing new to me but we can only hope." I say to her.
I rub my eyes aggressively. "I'm gonna hit the hay, I'm tired."
"No, come clubbing with me please." She pleaded.
"I can't, not tonight."
"Don't be a boomer. Come tonight, you need a drink." She says and I finally let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll get ready now then." I stood up and head to the shower.
After a while, we head out and arrived at the club. "I'm gonna go get a drink, you want me to buy you one?" I asked Roni as we enter the building. "No that's okay, I'm gonna go piss. You have no idea how long I held it in." She mentioned, causing me to cringe out of disgust. I didn't need to know that but I did need that drink so I walked over to the bar.
"One cosmopolitan please." I waited for the man to give my drink after I ordered. Couple seconds went by and I felt someone bump into me like a drunk hag. Scratch that, he WAS drunk and he spilt his drink all over me. "Arsehole!" I yell out considering it's loud in here. "Sorryyyyy". Is all he said like a smart arse. "Can I get a napkin too please if you have any?" I asked the bartender as soon as I was finally given my drink. I thanked the bartender and walked off with my drink, now walking to the bathroom to fix myself.
This is the part where clumsy me comes in. I bumped into someone else. My drink not only spilt all over me but also all over this man who looked absolutely furious. "Fuck can people just move out of my way?!" I scream out. This is the problem when going to the clubs, it's always so crowded to the point where everyone is bumping into each other and spilling drinks.
Being in this mans presence seemed intimidating but at the same time I really didn't care as I just wanted to clean myself off now that I'm completely drenched in alcohol. "Move." I said rudely to him but I'm only frustrated at this point.
"There's no reason to be rude." He says.
"Move!" I scream out louder in frustration getting him to finally move. I nudge his arm with mine as I walked passed him. "I knew I shouldn't have come here." I whispered to myself, trying to dry off the liquid on me. A bunch of drunk girls walked in so I decided to leave after I dried myself off. "Hey Melissa, you seem so upset." Roni said to me as she met with my presence. "Yeah I'm...not having a good time here." I replied.
"Why? This place is where you always come to drown your sorrows. Drink with me and we can both be happy together."
She isn't wrong, we always come here for those sorts of reasons. Drinking could let me loose a little and have fun. So I decided to skull whatever was left in my cup and I bought some more drinks.

I woke up the next morning in my bed wondering how the fuck I got here and there was a man sleeping in my bed. Who the fuck is he and why did I sleep with him? I shoved this man to wake him up, I wanted him out of here. "Oi, wake up you fat oaf. Get out of my bed." I say to him cruelly. The man grabbed his stuff and left my room all groggy. As he walked out the doorway, I lifted myself up from my bed and walked towards the bathroom. I need to shower, I smell like BO and alcohol.
After the shower, I checked my phone to see any notifications that I had. That was until I realised the time. "Oh shit." I say to myself.
"Roni! What time do I have to be at the interview!?"
I needed to move fast. I quickly put on a nice appropriate outfit to wear for the interview, did my make up and styled my hair into a slick back bun. I was finally ready and I rushed outside hearing Roni wish me good luck from the lounge room.

"Hey, I have an interview today at 2:30." I say to the receptionist.
"Please, take the elevator to your left. Your interviewer is Mrs Mallory. Her office is 26." The receptionist continued. She was very lovely. I did what I was told to do and waited after doing so. Roni wasn't wrong, there was a bunch of people who wanted to get hired here. But there was only women. I don't know what this position is but it clearly means something to them. Unless it's because this place is a famous fashion designing company and they wanted to be apart of it so badly.
I rose up from my seat as it was finally my turn to get interviewed. "Hello. You're Melissa Murphy right?" She asked me with a sweet smile on her face. "Yes I am, Mrs Mallory." I replied to her. "Please have a seat."
"As you may know that you have applied for the position of an assistant for Mr Banks."
An assistant?
"Yes, yes I have." I lied. I didn't know this was an assistant position. "Great, I just want to know more about you before I ask you any further questions." She mentioned holding her hands together. "Before I do so, I would like to give you these papers of my school certificates and my resume is also there too." I mentioned, just in case she may need them.
"Thank you, I'll hold onto that."
"So, I am 22 years old. I finished a fashion designing course at TAFE." I lied. I needed something good rather than just 'I sit on my lazy arse applying for jobs as I'm desperate.'
"I always remember that I'm representing a company so it's important to me that clients and employees have an enjoyable experience and leaves the building happy. I'm also a very organised worker and I like to keep myself busy by doing the things that need to be done." I ended with a smile.
"I love that you say you're organised, that's what we need here." She says as she just stares at my resume.
"You said you did fashion designing in TAFE but I don't see a certificate." She added.
I knew I was gonna fuck up somehow.
"Oh yeah, I couldn't finish my course due to complications so I didn't end up getting the full certificate unfortunately."
Why the fuck would you say that Melissa? That's the last thing you'd wanna say in an interview you fucking rodent rat.
"Hmmm. And, why do you want to work here with us in Flores?"
There we go, I knew that question was gonna come up.
"I'm interested in the ways this job can help me grow personally and professionally. I am eager to become better at my collaboration skills by working with others and have the opportunity to gain stability and the ability to grow with the company that I am applying for. I believe that being apart of this company would help me achieve a lot in life for myself and my social life, so being able to have this opportunity with you all would really benefit that for me." I answer. Gosh Melissa, she asked you a question. A simple answer is fine not an essay.
"You're very interesting, Melissa. I like the way you phrase things, very formal."
Good work Melissa, she liked your essay. "I've also seen that you are a straight A student, in so many classes. I should say, you're a very smart woman." She mentions. "Yes, I enjoyed school, I enjoyed the work." I said with a smile upon my face.
"Well, you're very outstanding, Miss Murphy."
"Thank you, it means a lot to me that you say that." I smiled. "You're most welcome. That would be all for today." She said and she stood up from her chair shaking my hand.
"Thank you for having me, Mrs Mallory."
"It's not a problem. I will contact you for any further details. Would you like me to assist you out?"
"No that's okay, thank you." I said and walked out giving her a smile. She was super nice. I feel like I've fucked up in the interview though. I don't have experience within the fashion designing industry. Hell no. And I shouldn't have mentioned that. That was a big fucking mistake. What is wrong with you, Melissa? You don't know what to do with your life, you yap yap yap and your brain is literally soup.
I do hope I get this position. Even though it's to become an assistant but I'll do anything for a job. I walk out the building, take a bus home and hope for the best.
"Hey Roni."
"Hey. How was the interview."
"You didn't tell me the role for the position is an assistant." I say as I drop my bag on the ground. "You applied for an assistant role?"
"Hey, you applied for me."
"Yeah...but a job is a job, no?" Well yeah she's right. A job is a job. I gotta take what I can get. "I'll talk to you later or something, I'm gonna hit the hay soon."

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