Lookalike, SN&CM

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Warnings: Angst
Stevie Nicks & Christine Mcvie

You were the same age as Stephanie your brother Lindsey was a year younger than the both of you and there was no hidden secret that he had a crush on your "friend" as you'd call one another too scared to admit to everyone afraid of judgement.

Dating Stevie may have been one of the best experiences in your life there was so much about Stephanie that made you love her she was alluring, loving, gentle, and quirky she was herself. Many people would say Lindsey looked like your twin did that make him look like a girl? or did that mean you looked like a boy probably the first with his long curls that fell on his shoulders paired with his luscious lashes.

Unfortunately, you and Stephanie split after two years of secretly dating you both went your own ways with her and Lindsey joining Fleetwood mac and you becoming a solo artist yourself. The next Christmas Lindsey had announced he had news but you weren't silly you had seen it all you also had rather large news to share and without a ring, you were scared of how your parents would react.

Sitting at the table you avoided the blonde's eyes for as long as possible my mother nudged me ''didn't you guys use to be best friends?" she asked noticing our lack of communication. "It's complicated mom'' I whispered looking at my hands the band had joined us for Christmas "want a drink?" dad asked bottle in hand "no thank you" I politely declined ignoring all the shocked faces.

Lindsey cleared his throat I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as he stood ''I wanted to tell you all that I'm dating Stevie here'' he proudly spoke pointing at Stephanie who only smiled bashfully a salty tear fell. Once Lindsey sat I took my turn to stand ''well..'' I started my heart pounding "since we're giving out big news I've got some of my own" slightly panicking Christine who was sitting beside me grabbed my hand gently "I'm pregnant" I announced looking around the crowded table.

Lindsey who had been silently inspecting me did a once over his blue eyes burning holes in my body "wheres the ring?" he rudely asked, "that's the thing..." I started "no father no ring" I smiled sickly sweet at him cringing as my face began to hurt. "This was sweet but now I must be going" I excused quickly standing Christine let go of my hand with a gentle squeeze "careful babes" she whispered that simple sentence made my heart flutter with a cluster of butterflies fluttering around my ribcage.

Pushing my seat in Stephanie stood following me into the living room as I grabbed my things also not noticing that people had joined us "Y/n wait" Steph called "no Steph you can't do that..this, I mean really? my little brother?" I cried the hormones definitely pushing the emotion. "I know'' I turned almost getting tunnel vision ''no you don't, Stephanie I loved you that split did something to me it may not have bothered you!" I was angry. "I called you and you ignored it, I tried so hard Steph but you didn't care or maybe you did but while you were chasing my lookalike I was chasing to get my mind far from you" I admitted putting on my coat.

Looking at her I wanted to kiss and slap her those brown eyes still shone brighter than any city ''you don't have to do this'' Steph pleaded "I'll go if it makes you stay" she offered ''that's sweet but no you stay Stevie" I mocked my brothers name for her although everyone called her that it felt different. Looking at the doorway stood everyone "sorry for ruining Christmas, Lindsey enjoy it whilst you can" but he still looked dazed walking out the door nobody stopped me Steph fell to her knees crying ''fucking idiot'' she muttered to herself I wanted to run and console her.

Standing by the letter box I felt like a cigarette for the first time in a while my tears finally at bay I pulled the car keys from my purse "Y/n!" it was Christine I flung myself into her arms. "There there'' she hushed taking the keys from my hand ''no more tears love'' she smiled pulling me with her to the awaiting car ''still live in the same place?" I only nodded in her chest.

Christine drove us the way to my home hand placed neatly on my leg I hadn't noticed until now how beautiful she was Lindsey could keep Stevie but Stephanie will always be my memory. ''How are you feeling now?" she asked quietly looking over before her attention was back on the road ahead.

It was dark now as we lay on my bed in the large room rolling over I faced the blonde taking a piece of her hair and twirling it lightly I smiled her attention now on me "Y/n'' she whispered softly. "There's something I need to tell you and I'd understand if you hit me, kick me out or never want to see my face again'' Christine spoke ''go ahead'' hoping we were thinking the same. "I" "it's just'' she couldn't find the words ''fuck it'' she kissed me and it felt like heaven her tongue swiping on my bottom lip begging for entrance.

Breaking apart with a small giggle "I love you Y/n'' Christine whispered leaning her forehead against mine "I love you too... but Christine what about?" I pointed referring to my small belly bump she kissed it "two for one?" she joked "I want this, all of this" she reassured me.

About to fall asleep I made a mental note to thank my lookalike for being an idiot and to the woman I once called my lover for opening my eyes.

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