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Max was suspicious of Roan for quite some time now. He noticed that Roan has been staring at him ever since they first met during the first club orientation. With Roan's blonde hair and piercings along with his behavior, his known to be a troublemaker by teachers and several students because he stands out. Max out of everyone knew that hearsay and rumors are not to be trusted but at the same time he knew that there is a degree of truthfulness from such.

When Max saw Roan's friend place something inside his desk he thought it to be a letter about meeting after school to fight or something along those lines. He was caught by surprise by Roan when he called out to Max. When Roan thanked him for standing up for him, Max thought that they were not the reason why he scolded the other seniors. Instead, it was because he didn't want people to associate him with people like them who has trash personalities and found the need to bully the weak. He accepted the drink offered to him by Roan to avoid further hassle.

After both Roan and his friend left, Max immediately looked for the thing on his desk and found a black letter. As he anticipated, it was a letter to intimidate him but when he opened it, it was something entirely. Something he wouldn't expect in a million years, a love letter and a sweet one at that. The feelings being conveyed in the letter were delivered in a shy yet straightforward manner if that's even possible. Max flipped the paper and saw Roan's name. Like Arthur, Max came to the same conclusion.

Is that why that guy was staring at me all the time? He even went out of his way to wait for me after club activities. He doesn't look like a guy who is interested in other guys though, so is this a prank? If so, this is a tasteless prank.

After reading the letter, it left a sour taste in Max's mouth. He returned the letter to his desk in the hopes that Arthur will get it the next morning to dispose of it for him.

Max after doing his duties in school went home. When entering, he noticed that his mother was not home and so he went ahead and cooked dinner for himself, do his homework, and sleep. This was a normal occurrence for Max since his mother is a very busy person due to being a single mother. His mother wanted to maintain their lifestyle with the sacrifice of more work and less time being spent together with Max. Despite not spending too much time with his mother, Max loves her very much. His mother is the most important person in his life. Max didn't want to bother his mother as much as he can and so he made sure that his performance in school was to meet the effort she exerts on him.

For the first time in a very long time, Max woke up in a very bad mood. Roan's love letter affected him much more than he anticipated. While eating cereal, Roan's face popped up in his thoughts with his blonde hair and piercing blue eyes looking at him... he lost his appetite.

Everything seems to place Max in a bad mood. While in class, his friends pointed out that his eyebrows were furrowed the whole time. This was rare for Max since he rarely shows any unfavorable emotions for people to pry on or prey upon as something as a flaw. Max was starting to get irritated with everything today. He didn't want to say it aloud but deep down he knew why it was.

"Max Hyung! I didn't expect to run into you here in the canteen area." Roan casually approached Max.

Max asked as to why he didn't expect him to be there as it was lunch time and so Max being at the canteen area would be a natural conclusion. Roan pointed out that he has been observing Max and noticed that Max doesn't like places with a lot of people. Max then remembered that "ah, I forgot that this guy likes me very much." Max was still bothered by the fact that Roan wrote him a love letter. He still had his doubt but why does he care? He normally ignores such advances by other people who show interest in him yet why is he bothered by Roan's confession? ... homosexual huh. Max didn't want to believe it. He justified hanging out with Roan in every chance he had to see Roan's true intentions even though Roan is a homosexual.

After a few weeks, people assumed that Roan, Max, and Arthur were considered to be friends due to them being seen hanging out all the time. Arthur was surprised by the things that happened even after being rejected by Max. Arthur didn't expect Roan and Max's relationship to develop in such a manner. Roan proposed that Max join them as much as possible and Max agreed. Arthur felt happy with the current development, he tries to leave them alone as much as he can so that they can spend time alone with one another to develop their relationship.

Max noticed Arthur's efforts in leaving Roan and him together alone. This only solidified the fact that Roan has feelings for him, so he thought. What greatly affirmed Roan's supposed feelings for Max was Roan himself. Roan tends to say outlandish and embarrassing things to Max with a straight face.

In one instance, Arthur excused himself and suggested for Roan and Max walk together after school without him and so they did. Roan offered Max to go to a secret place that he always goes to when he wants to be alone or sad. It was along the river on a bay with clean and clear running water. Max asked him why Roan told him the location of his secret hiding place which is a place where Roan felt relaxed and safe. Roan replied, "Because I like you Max Hyung." Looking back at Max with a smile on his face. Max suddenly felt his cheeks flush, he felt embarrassed. How could Roan say that to me straight to my face? Is it because they've been spending time with each other for more than 4 weeks now? "Call me Max" he replied to Roan. Roan was happy with that fact since for him causally calling each other by name, from what he understands is very important in establishing closeness in friendship.

Max thought how cute Roan was acting now. Max has never seen anyone so beautiful, well aside from his mom. He reached out his hand to Roan's face and brushed his hair to the side that was blown away by the wind. Their eyes met and Max realized what he was doing and retracted his hands.

"Thank you... at times like this, a place this peaceful, a person like you, it ain't so bad." Max said while turning his head slowly looking afar. In fact, Max had a lot of things going on in his head lately and he hadn't noticed that he was already overwhelmed. Max isn't really the type of person to be able to express his feelings and be vulnerable in front of people unlike Roan who seemed like he can do anything, and Max admired that about him. At that moment, sitting next to Roan while listening to the water and bustling wind, it was as if his worries were being brushed along with them.

After Max went home, what Roan told him near the water bay was still lingering in his thoughts. After spending time with Roan and Arthur, he finally concluded that the letter he read that day was true along with Roan's feelings for him. He smiled unknowingly with the thought that Roan liked him truly and remembered Roan's wide smile that reached from ear to ear, hair that appeared to be golden as the sunset reflected on it, his face with the reflection of light from the flowing water, and his blue eyes that seemed to shine brighter than it normally would.

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