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After that night, Max didn't waste his time and decided to clear things out with Roan. The problem was that Roan was avoiding him, Roan even went as far as to quit the club just to avoid Max. This contained on for a few more days. Arthur still stayed in the club despite the fact that Roan dropped out of the club. Arthur felt sorry for everything that had happened and that he wanted to apologize to Max properly. Max listened to Arthur's apology and immediately forgave him.

After knowing that the letter was not made by Roan and that Max was acting based on baseless feelings, he thought Roan had for him. Max acknowledged that it didn't change the fact that he had fallen in love with Roan. The only thing that changed was that he was the one who fell in love first (and so he thought).

Max should be thankful to Arthur for the misunderstanding because if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have paid any attention to Roan. If it wasn't for the opportunities Arthur provided for Roan and Max to be alone together, he wouldn't have gotten to know who Roan truly is. Still, Max wanted to use this opportunity to ask Arthur for a favor.

Arthur agreed to help Max in making an opportunity for Roan and him to talk. He wanted them to at least clear the air and if it doesn't work out then too bad. Arthur had his reasons as to why he accepted to help Max. After the incident, Arthur noticed that Roan looked down and seemed to be losing some sleep. When he asked Roan if he was okay, Roan assured him that he was fine. Truthfully speaking, Arthur was concerned for his friends after knowing Max's tragic family dynamic.

He hates his father because his gay. But isn't he gay as well? Fufufu his having an identity crisis TvT. Roan too is in pain, when Max's father told us about Max's prejudice against homosexuality and how Max hated him, Roan looked like he was arguing with himself... it was as if he wanted to distance himself just so that Max could be happy!! Arthur thought. At this moment, Arthur couldn't be more wrong and right at the same time.

As Arthur mentioned, it was Roan and Arthur who notified Max's parents of his whereabouts by going to Max's house. They were welcomed by his mom and were entertained by both Max's biological parents. They excused how their son was behaving and ended up explaining to them their situation as a family since they were Max's close friends. Both of them were affected by this newfound information but Roan especially.

Are my feelings for Max burdening him? When I told him I liked him, did I bring up painful memories for him to even mention his father to me... Roan thought. He absolutely did not want to hurt and burden Max with his unnecessary feelings and so from that point on, he decided to remove himself from Max's life. Because of how much he was used to Max's presence in his life, it was hard for him to avoid, ignore, and even be cold towards Max every time he tried to talk to Roan. This resulted in Roan losing sleep and being stressed out. He loves Max, and suppressing that love is hard. Over the week, Roan talked to his sister Lila and told her everything that had happened between Max and himself because of the letter. Roan said thank you and reasoned that because of Lila he was able to experience love with Max. Lila for the first time saw the severity of her actions and how they had affected the life of her big brother. She truly felt sorry and started to cry, Roan comforted her as a normal supportive brother would naturally do. After a while, Lila promised to learn from her mistake and start to think of how her actions affect others around her. Roan felt proud of Lila for her to be able to grow as a person after the events that had transpired.

Arthur contacted Lila and explained to her the situation. Lila as much as possible also wanted to help Max because she herself witnessed first-hand how Roan felt for Max. She's thinking that her brother was just emoting or is being stingy with Max, it wasn't actually the case, but she wanted to believe it was.

The plan was for Lila to ask Roan to get something she had left in the clubroom that Arthur would place beforehand while Max wait for Roan inside. And so, they proceeded with the plan as soon as club activities ended. Max was in position, while waiting for Roan he thought of his feelings for him and how it was being affected by the things that had recently occurred.

In context, Max despite everting that had happened still had a negative opinion regarding gay people and homosexuality as a whole. This time it wasn't because of any personal grudges but instead adapting the mindset that he had for all those years when he hated this father, not because of the things he did but because he thought that the reason he left was that he was choosing to be with another man instead. Changing something about yourself such as habits or beliefs is difficult to do in an instance. Even if he wanted to see it in a different light, he couldn't. Maybe, as time passes along with the fact that he himself is attracted to Roan who is a man might change his prejudice but for now, this is who he is.

Max was thinking about this and decided that he can both not accept or have a negative opinion in regards to homosexuality and at the same time be with Roan. This is a very big contradiction and Max is a hypocrite in accepting or thinking the way he is but again, so what? This was Max's life, his choice, and his belief. He didn't care about how other people will see this, all he cared about was the fact that we wanted to be with Roan.

"Max...?" Roan exclaimed.

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