Misunderstanding 2

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Lila was quite mischievous with her antics with shipping her brother and Arthur. As much as possible she wanted them to spend time together. This behavior of hers was tolerated by Roan as Lila was still a young child in his eyes. To an extent, Roan blamed himself for the lack of attention Lila had from her only family over the years they've been living in Korea for her to turn out this way.

After eating breakfast, Lila told Roan to wash the dishes since she did it the night before. While Roan was heading to the kitchen and cleaning the plates they just used, Lila slipped a black envelope inside her brother's bag. This was a letter that Lila prepared the night before and has been planning for it for a long time. After observing her brother's "bromance" with his best friend, she knew their relationship well. She hoped for Arthur to look through Roan's bag at some point, see the letter, and read it. Roan didn't particularly have the habit of cleaning and rummaging through his bag, so it was the perfect plan Lila thought while grinning.

It was again the time of the week for club activities, Roan was still angry with the things that happened last time with the seniors. Arthur was trying his best to calm Roan down so he doesn't act recklessly since the seniors will be with them for one whole year before they graduate, and a year is long enough for them to make their lives a living hell if Roan were to cross a line. Before going to the club room, Arthur excused himself because one of their teachers wanted to talk to him about something. Roan went ahead and went to the club room but before entering, he heard a familiar voice talking. It was Max, whom Roan remembered as the guy with the seniors he offended. Max was speaking in a very calm yet chilling tone.

"As you know, I am your friend... but doing such pointless actions like last time makes me think that I'm with friends with trash. Don't repeat your mistake, the things I hate the most are reckless, stupid, and impulsive people." After the exchange, Max went back to his soft and approachable demeanor.

During the club activities, Roan and Arthur stopped receiving harassment from the seniors. Arthur wondered what happened while he was away or if anything happened at all. He glanced at Roan only to catch him staring at Max. What's with Roan lately? He's been staring at Max these days. Arthur was starting to think of possible reasons as to why Roan would act this way since from what he knew, Max and Roan didn't have any relations outside the club.

After the club activities, Arthur addressed his observations with Roan. He asked why Roan has been staring at Max the entire time. Roan denied this as he himself didn't notice that he was staring at Max. Roan thought that Arthur was acting weird with his weird questions, anyhow, he wanted to repay Max's kindness and so he wanted to buy him a drink. Ironically it was the act that he refused to do when asked by the seniors last time. He told Arthur to stay in the clubroom and tell Max to stay before he could give him the drink. Arthur agreed and waited for Roan or Max to return to the clubroom since Max was the captain and was responsible for locking the room.

While Roan was out buying the drink, Arthur as predicted by Lila looked through Roan's bag. There, he proceeded to see the black letter, he turned it and saw Roan's name written on it. Arthur wondered what it was, suddenly Roan's attitude towards Max came to mind. He remembered how Roan has been acting towards Max, he also remembered what Roan's sister had been telling him throughout the years. If you're wondering, it was the "seeds" that Lila was planting inside her brother's friend's mind for their supposed bromance to blossom into something more. As the saying goes "you reap what you sow", and this was the culmination of Lila's efforts along with Roans' unusual actions this week. And so, Arthur came to a conclusion:

Is this... A LOVE LETTER!!!?? This is Roan I'm talking about. A blockhead like him wouldn't mind that Max is a guy... would he? I remember Lila telling me that relations such as this one was normal in the U.S. But ROAN OF ALL PEOPLE??? Hmm, maybe the reason why he's been acting weird is that he was planning to confess his love to Max! When he saw and heard how Max always rejected the people that confess to him Roan got disheartened. Still, his feelings were too strong, so he proceeded to write the love letter anyway but didn't plan on giving it to max.!? Maybe that's also the reason why he picked a fight with the seniors since Max was there to see it!??? Why is the letter black? Aha! Maybe so that it won't get noticed easily by other people. God damn Roan this is...

Arthur's delusional assumptions and thoughts were beyond salvation. He had reached a point of no return. The only thing he got right is the reason as to why the letter was written on black paper and the fact that it was a love letter. As a good friend, he felt obligated to support and help Roan with his struggle. And so, he took the letter and placed it inside Max's desk. Arthur was happy that he could help his friend with his love life and finally have one.

Coincidently, Max saw Arthur place the letter inside his desk. He wondered if Arthur was plotting something and was about to confront him before someone called him from afar. Roan called Max's name aloud.

"Max Hyung! What are you doing outside the classroom? Oh, by the way, I bought you a drink for earlier as thanks, I overheard your conversation with the other seniors by accident and I'm truly grateful for you Hyung." Roan handed the drink and bowed to Max as an act of gratitude.

*Note: Hyung is a term called by guys to older guys like how Oppa is used by girls to call their seniors.

Max on the other hand was not convinced with this whole "I'm thankful to my senior" act. He was observing Roan and whether he has another reason as to why Roan approached him. In the end, Max didn't want to make a rash judgment and went along with it. He smiled and accepted the drink from Roan. They then told him to go home since it was getting late, and he also needed to lock the club room. Arthur heard talking outside and went ahead and looked. To his surprise, Roan was bowing down to Max while reaching out his hand.

Did he confess to him already!? But what about the letter? Oh no, I need to get it! It'll be embarrassing to confess his love twice.

Arthur was about to go back inside the classroom when Max called out to him. He told them to go home. Arthur hoped that Max would miss the letter and he'll just retrieve it the next day. After saying their goodbyes to each other, Max went back to the classroom and checked the thing he saw Arthur place on his desk.

The next day Arthur found the envelope but it was already opened.

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