In Love With You

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I am in love with you.

There's no other way to say it.

I promised myself I wouldn't fall right away,

But you've stolen my heart.

They all scream in my ear,

Run, you'll end up broken.

How can I become something I already am?

Forbidden by those I love most.

Hidden from the same.

Looked down upon by those closest.

Shattered by my mind.

My heart is heavy with so many decisions.

Should I continue to live this lie?

Is religion the only thing that matters?

You hate on those without it,

But those with it don't love.

You judge people by their looks,

But you can't see the secrets behind those eyes.

Love and Lust.

Don't they mean the same thing?

One is want, the other need.

I'll figure out on my own which one you mean to me.

I'm so close to crying because the answers aren't clear.

Why is this so difficult?

Now rage is present and is taking it's toll.

They think they know me.

They know nothing of who I am.

It's my life,

Stop trying to plan my future.

I'm sick of this game and I want out.

Thank you for all your unwanted help.

The one thing I wanted has finally left.

My heart is breaking and my eyes fill with tears.

I'll give back what was given to me.

My journey was short, but will never be forgotten.

I was in love with you.

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