Aftermath of Death

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**Idk what I'm even writing anymore honestly. I guesss this is a poem, but anyway this piece was inspired by the prologue of the book The Lyric Project by myheartsmistake. Basically this is my take on what happens to everyone after death takes its toll!**

White tile floors beneath his feet.

No warmth here, only cold and misery.

You can smell the death that covers the walls.

Hear them scream as the pain becomes real.

You take it all in through dull eyes.

Life no more, only broken hearts and tear filled eyes.

She's there in the bed, so lifeless and gone.

He's beside her, looking at her pale white skin.

He wraps his hand around hers one last time.

As he pulls away he brings the ring.

A symbol of love he will keep till he goes.

Around his neck it will stay over his heart on a golden chain.

Looking at her now, her lips so white it resembles a rose.

Skin so peaked she blended with the sheets.

The people around you so close in reality,

But you are so shaken they seem remote.

The mother's there too.

Crying for her daughter that she loved so much.

She was supposed to leave this world before her child.

Time disagreed, but it still hurts to say goodbye.

Now to man who loved her dearly,

How did he let her slip between his fingers.

There's no way he could have saved her,

But in his mind it's all his fault.

His beautiful bride, now to be put six feet under.

All those who knew her well,

Tears leave their eyes yet again.

Mourning for the one they loved.

Dressed in all black, saying their farewells.

Was it worth it now, living in this world?

Some will move on fine,

Some will suffer till the end of time.

The days grow colder each day she's gone.

How will he survive this life without her?

Write it all out and don't let her be forgotten.

The aftermath of death is always on time.

** thank you for reading! I hope this didn't freak you out too much. Please remember to vote & comment!! It makes me feel better when you do!! (Even though I have zero comments)
Please tell people about this book!!! I love you all so much!!


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