Chapter 16: Enter the Serpent

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We left the desert, (good riddance) with an abundance of supplies, and an escort to a small village just on the outskirts of the desert.

I had gotten new clothes, ones that weren't so suspiciously "fugitive". A light green tunic, with slits up the sides, along with beige pants. A beige undershirt with longer sleeves was layered under. I used a darker green fabric to act as a belt around the tunic. I kept the boots I had worn before, and tied my hair into a ponytail, with green jeweled ribbon given to me by the sandbenders. I allowed the bangs I usually pinned, to fall in front of my face, acting like a curtain.

We had stopped at a waterfall to take a dip in the river, and plan for how to get to the Earth Kingdom. Katara and Aang were splashing around in the river while I sat with Toph, kicking our feet into the water.

"I'm surprised you aren't with them." Sokka said, not too far away studying a few maps.

"I can't actually swim..." I mumbled, absentmindedly.

"Wait what?" Sokka exclaimed, looking up form his maps. "You can't swim?"

"Yea, what's wrong with that?" Sokka looked back down mumbling,

"Nothing nothing... just... powerful firebender... can't swim." Toph snorted and I rolled my eyes amused.

"Sorry to disappoint you." I said as I looked up to see Katara running from the top of the waterfall. She gave a shout of joy before slashing into the river. I scrambled away as the water slashed on all of us.

"Katara!" Sokka shouted, holding up his soaked maps. She smiled sheepishly and pulled the water out of it,

"Sorry," She said, water bending the water out of the scrolls. I walked over to Sokka, sitting next to him and wringing water out of my hair.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"Well, since we need to get to Ba Sing Se as soon as possible," Sokka said dragging his finger to a scraggly bit of land. "The quickest way there is this way. It's called the Serpent's pass."

"And that's our best pathway?" Katara asked,

"It's the only way." Sokka said, "I mean, it's not like we have Appa to fly is there."

"Hey," Katara shushed her brother, "Shush about Appa. Can't you at least try to be sensitive?"

"It's okay." Aang called to Katara, "I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se and telling the Earth King about their solar eclipse."

"Oh." Katara looked both equally surprised and relieved. "Well, I'm glad you're doing better."

"Anyway!" Sokka said, "We've decided then. Serpent's Path to Ba Sing Se. No more distractions.

"Hello there!" Said a voice. We turned around to see three people approach us, "Are you refugees as well?"

"Um, kind of." I said, "We're traveling to the Earth Kingdom. Are you guys too?"

"Yes!" Said the man brightly, "I'm Than. This is my pregnant white Ying, and my sister."

"That's great!" Katara said, "We can all go through the serpent's pass together." Than looked alarmed,

"The Serpent's pass?" He said, "Why go through that deadly route? We're going to Full Moon Bay to get a boat ride to Ba Sing Se."

"Wow. Deadly route." Toph playfully punched Sokka's arm, "Great pick, Sokka!"

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