Chapter 20: No War in Ba Sing Se

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After our first fiasco, we finally boarded a monorail into the walls of Ba Sing Se.

"I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece." Katara said, gazing out the window.

"Hey, don't jinx it!" Sokka said, looking paranoid. "We could still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon, or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!"

"Have you been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph asked teasingly.

"I'm just saying, weird stuff happens to us." Sokka replied. As if to prove his point, a burly man sucking on a corn sat in-between Toph and Sokka.

"You don't say," I said with a laugh. I overheard Katara and Aang's conversation,

"Don't worry, we'll find Appa." She said consolingly to Aang.

"It's such a big city though," Aang replied. Sokka scoffed.

"He's a giant bison! Where could someone possibly hide him?" I turned to look outside, just to see the inner city come into view. My eyes widened at the large expanse of houses and temples alike, all stretching across to an untold horizon.

"Oh." Sokka said, halfheartedly as we continued to gawk. The train slowed to a stop.

"Back to the city, great." Toph said sarcastically.

"What's wrong with it?" Sokka asked, "It's amazing!"

"It's a bunch of walls and rules. Trust me, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days."

"What rules are you specifically talking about?" I asked, walking with her.

"Like I said," Toph said with a shrug. "Wait and see." As we exited the monorail, I saw a lady with long dark hair and a bright smile approach us. She bowed as we walked to her.

"Hello! My name is Joo Dee! I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Sokka, Katara, Toph, and," She paused at me. I gave her a little bow.

"Kira," I said as she nodded and gave me an uncomfortably bright smile.

"A pleasure!" Sokka stepped forward.

"We have some information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth Kind immediately." Joo Dee turned around and said,

"Great! Let's begin our tour. And then I'll show you to your new home here. I think you'll like it!" Sokka arched an eyebrow and followed her.

"Maybe you missed what I said? We need to talk to the king bout the war. It's important. Joo Dee turned, still smiling.

"You're in Ba Sing Se now. Everyone is safe here." Her tone was still light, but there was a sense of finality in her sentence. It sent an odd feeling down my back.

"Is this what you meant?" I muttered to Toph as a carriage pulled up on the side of the street for us. She shrugged as we got in.

Joo Dee gave us a little schpiel about each ring we entered. The Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se was commonly where new arrivals or refugees came to live. Most Artisans and Craftsmen also lived there.

The Middle Ring was were the financial district was, with many shops, restaurants and the university.

"Yea, we met a professor from the Ba Sing Se University." Sokka said, trying to get something out of our smiley tour guide. "He took us to an ancient underground library where we discovered information about the war that is absolutely crucial for the Earth King to hear!" But Joo Dee was just as relentless.

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