MiA x Meto, part one.

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Meto P.O.V

I watched you. Through every live, every meeting, every rehearsal. I watched you. I saw your online posts, your selfies, your videos. I watched you. I saw you every day, smiled as you spoke to the others, adored your laugh, your voice. I'm so close to you yet... so far. Each day I told myself, 'Today, Meto, today you will face him, today you will confess your love'. I'd get my hopes up, tell myself that I could do it but it never ever happened. Why would it? I can't even speak to the bus driver when I get off a bus. Even Koichi has to speak for me during interviews! I'm pathetic and I hate it.

It was the last live of the tour - we went all around Japan and it was great! We visited so many different places, met so many different fans, put on an amazing show for them! Everyone was happy, and you could see it. Lives were always great, it made everyone the happiest, and I could be myself onstage, just as Tsuzuku said about himself. Everything just felt right when you perform. Although I loved the live shows, I was looking forward to the break afterwards.

I awoke from my slumber at 6:30am, stretching out like a baby, and using my illustrated hand to scratch my head, waking up to the rising sun glimmering through the hotel's neatly ironed curtains. Images of last night's dream flashed through my mind... The moaning, the panting, MiA... Hurriedly, I shook my head and forced my weary body to stand up. A small sigh escaped my lips as I noticed a rather annoying problem had occurred just below my waist. Great. Feet shuffling across the carpeted floor, I dragged myself into the bathroom, turning on the shower and stepping in. The cold water shocked my body and the problem finally became less of a problem as water trickled all over me, waking up my sleepy body. After my shower, I dried my baby blue hair thoroughly, and pulled on a baggy looking hoodie and jeans, finishing the look with a pair of black rimmed glasses, a cap reading 'RUDE' in large white letters and of course, my 11 beautiful piercings. Finally, I picked up my Ruana-chan, fastening a bow to her head and whispering 'cute' to her button eyes before stepping out of the hotel and onto the streets.

The sun shone down on me, heating my skin up, almost burning, so I pulled my hood over my head as protection. I felt much safer, or as Koichi put it - 'Antisocial'. Koichi is more like a brother than another band member. He understands me more than anyone else, and even if I don't speak, he understands exactly what I'm going to say, all of my emotions, everything I feel down to the smallest detail. I'm so lucky to have a friend like him. If only I had the courage to speak more to him. Honestly, it makes me feel bad that I'm so quiet with him.

A silver van was waiting outside the hotel, and a figure inside was flailing his arms out of the window, desperately urging me to hurry up. As soon as I opened the passenger door, long arms covered by a bright green, knitted Mickey Mouse jumper grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.


A tall male with crazy fashion sense and long pink hair, neatly tied into a bun, had trapped me in his arms. The bassist giggled and reached over to shut the door I left open.


I whispered softly, and a large smile spanned his face. Koichi loved it when I spoke. It made him feel special, I suppose, as it showed my trust in him and reassured him that I enjoyed his company.

He grinned, "How are you, Meto-kun?! It's such a lovely day, and the last live as well! I hope the weather stays like this for a while - I've made some new summer outfits that I really want to show off this year! It's so exciting!" The van drove away towards the stadium as Koichi rambled on about clothes and hair and bass guitars. He always did this. He was so used to me not talking he had learnt how to just talk and talk to keep some sort of conversation going, with me nodding in agreement or chuckling every now and then. (Just so he knew I was listening). And, of course, I always listened. Usually what he had to say was interesting anyway, so I couldn't complain.

After 15 minutes of Koichi's talking, we finally had arrived at the stadium. Both me and Koichi stepped out of the van in unison, slamming the doors shut and making a ruckus in the car park. Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from a jet black car behind us.

"Cut it out you guys, its 8am"

Tsuzuku looked pretty awful. So tired and his hair messed up completely. A pierced eyebrow was raised at us and a silence fell upon us, before Koichi gathered the decency to apologise,

"S-Sorry Tsuz-"

"UUISHYAAAA!" A sudden yell emerging from the vocalist's throat startled us both and cut off Koichi's sentence. "I'M SO EXCITED FOR TODAY! THE LAST LIVE OF THE TOUR IS ALWAYS THE BEST!"

Tsuzuku's split tongue licked his lips as he harshly patted us on the backs, before skipping into the stadium, greeting everyone in sight with a nod and a 'Good Morning~~!'

Both Koichi and I were still slightly startled due to tiredness and confusion, but we finally giggled again and followed the raven haired man into the building.

It was plain inside: wooden floors and pale walls, stacked chairs around the room, dim lights and a small bar selling mostly soft drinks, as many of our fans were too young for alcohol. Our manager (Ito-san) greeted us, yawned and rubbed his back. Probably sore from helping to prepare the stage.. and old age. We had a small conversation with him (we being Koichi and Tsuzuku with me listening) before he led us up some narrow stairs. We climbed up them excitedly, wondering what the stage would be like. Tsuzuku was the first to see, and let out another loud yell before running over to the microphone and shouting lyrics at it, becoming disappointed when he realised it wasn't even switched on. Ito-san sighed and smiled half-heartedly, gesturing a hand towards the stage. The stage was brilliant though: my drum kit was already set up for me: lights flashing multicolours, shiny metal stands for each piece of equipment glistened and a small seat in front of it for my Ruana-chan to sit on. I smiled and walked up to it, running my fingers along the rim of the snare drum. Drums made me feel comfortable - they could still make the most beautiful music while being loud enough to drown out any other sound. Like Koichi, they were another way for me to express myself.

After practicing a few solos, taking me an hour or so, I realised that 'he' wasn't here still. At the same moment, Tsuzuku yelled into his microphone, "SO WHERE'S MiA?" making the microphone screech and echo violently. Ito-san covered his ears, shouting back, "HE'S RUNNING LATE, OKAY?!" mocking the vocalist as he massaged his forehead with his thumbs and forefingers. I felt bad for our manager. We're definitely not the easiest band to look after, and Tsuzuku, although he is only joking around, makes Ito's work a lot more stressful with all of the distractions he causes. I just wanted to see MiA's beautiful face. I wanted to see which outfit he was wearing today, how he styled his hair, hear how his night was as Koichi spoke with him. I truly loved that man. With all my heart.

"We can't practice without our guitarist!" Tsuzuku was disappointed, "I'm going backstage, I need something for energy."

"I honestly don't think you need more energy, Tsuzukun" Ito called out as the raven haired male strutted offstage, chuckling at the remark. Koichi was leaning against a wall next to his bass, his face illuminated by his phone as he updated his Twitter and posted new outfits on Instagram and I continued to practice drumming.

Not too long after, the clap-clap of designer boots was heard, echoing up the narrow stairway. MiA.


Part one done :) please tell me what you think D: I've attempted fanfiction before and it was such a fail xD

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