Part 9

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Even MiA seemed quiet awkward about it all, "Yeah it is isn't it... how have you been?"

Tomo started babbling on about the band and how he's been changing his hair a lot lately and how he's buying a new bass guitar soon, his stupid voice was getting annoying - go talk to Koichi about this stuff, MiA doesn't care about any of it. I kept staring at him, trying to make him uncomfortable.

"MiA we need to meet up out of work more often - I really do admire your skills when it comes to being an amazing guitarist." Stop complimenting him - that's MY job. "Have you dyed your hair recently? It really compliments your eyes! And I love the way you have made it look like you have cat ears! That's cute!"

I growled and stood up slowly, murmuring, "I'm getting another drink." In a stubborn voice, and Tomo only looked up and smiled cheekily at me, resting his arm on MiA's shoulder as he mocked me,

"We'll be right here, Meto!" Although MiA didn't want to be rude, he already looked pissed off.

I strutted off towards the bar. Wait. Why am I walking towards the bar? I'm not confident enough on my own!"Hi!" One of the bartenders looked up from his phone at me.


Suddenly Tsuzuku butted in and ordered another lager for me - for once he was actually helping me out, yet the smile on his face showed that he wasn't feeling himself anymore. Too much alcohol already? I held my head high, and approached our table again. Of course, Tomo didn't actually know that me and MiA were together! I sat down, shifting my chair closer to MiA and linking my arm with his. He complied with my silent wish and let me hold his hand. Tomo noticed my actions and scowled, his eyes locking onto mine as he furrowed his brows. MiA seemed to still be oblivious to the fact that Tomo had a thing for him, but I knew too well.

"Tomo? Are you okay?" MiA asked Tomo, as he noticed the frown the boy was pulling. I giggled as Tomo went red from embarrassment, he didn't realise he had been frowning at MiA. I smirked at him, he obviously saw it as a battle between me and him: the winner was who could get with MiA first. Sadly for him, he had already lost. The thought made me smile, and I linked my fingers with MiA's, bringing his hand to my mouth slowly and kissing it, keeping my eyes locked onto Tomo's. He looked so angry, and I smirked.

"Do you know what Meto?" Tomo was about to make a spiteful remark, but he was easily drowned out by Tsuzuku, who started yelling into a random microphone he must've set up earlier.

Tomo paused and turned to look at Mejibray's vocalist. Maybe Tsuzuku had caught onto what was happening with me, MiA and Tomo... was Tsuzuku helping me out?! Tsuzuku always gives out such random and infrequent acts of kindness.

"I just want to thank you all for coming tonight..." He had to steady himself up by leaning against the bar, "And I especially want to thank the band for their amazing effort: MiA because he has written the music for all of our wonderful songs, Koichi because whenever I am struggling, he always helps me out no matter what - even if it's with singing, and Meto because of his work with the arrangement of the music and his amazing ability to stay silent forever - that's talent. I also want to thank the staff, especially Ito, our glorious manager, because he's able to put up with us and is like our father - yes, he does everything for us." Ito laughed at Tsuzuku's remarks, and so did everyone else, because it was such a weird and pretty awful speech. Tsuzuku said many more things, however they weren't exactly relevant, and I soon got bored of the drunken babbling. I gazed at MiA, who was chuckling at the speech. He looked so handsome, and I was lost in a daze as my eyes roamed his perfect body, admiring his clothing and his smooth skin. I was snapped back into reality after hearing,

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