Part 10

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A horrible silence engulfed us. The only audible sounds were MiA's frequent sniffs as he tried to calm down, my heavy breathing as I tried to overcome the pain from the injuries which seemed to be worsening, and the humming engine as the van made its way to the hospital. I was led down on the back seat with MiA, my head resting against the door, my feet on MiA's lap and Ruana sat on my stomach. MiA was gazing out of the window, and I knew he didn't want to look at me because every time he did he would get more and more upset. It was dark outside, and the streetlights we passed illuminated MiA's face every few seconds, making a beautiful light appear in his eyes.

"D... don't cry, MiA." I tried to smile at him, but the cut on my lip teared more, and I gasped in pain as it started to bleed again.

MiA caught the liquid on a tissue, and his eyes met mine again. Tears were still falling from his eyes, and he did nothing to stop them, croaking out,

"I don't want you to be hurt. I could've stopped it."

My shoulder was starting to become extremely painful now, I guessed it was because Tomo had thrown me against a tile wall, and I tried to shuffle my body so that I wasn't leaning on it more, only to put more pressure on it making me cry out for a second. Koichi glanced back at me quickly, before turning his eyes back to the road, trying to stay calm as he asked,

"What is it?"

"My shoulder..." I whimpered, becoming sick of the pain I was in. MiA lifted me so that I could try to sit properly, but I was so weak that I had to lean against his body to keep me up. I didn't want to make him upset and I didn't want to make him worry.

We finally arrived at the hospital, Koichi got out and got us some information about what to do and where to go, before we were instructed to go to a minor injuries department in the hospital. I had to sit in a wheelchair and I was wheeled through the hospital, which seemed rather eerie due to the fact that it was very quiet at night. I stroked Ruana's head for comfort as I listened to faint sounds coming from the corridors of the hospital: people talking, snoring, rattling trollies full of supplies down corridors. The pathways through the building seemed endless.

When we arrived at the correct department, we sat in a waiting room for 10 minutes, only two people were there: a mother and a child with a large bandage around his head. The child didn't seem to care that he had some sort of head injury, but the mother's pained expression made my heart sink. The bruises on her face and arms were enough to indicate what they had just been through. Cruel world...They both left to see a doctor after a few minutes of our arrival, leaving us to awkwardly wait there.

MiA had lines of eyeliner running down his face, and he was terribly quiet, staring at the floor and fiddling with the sleeves and zips of his leather jacket while in a daze. He seemed to be in some state of shock, maybe because he felt so bad about what happened, maybe because of the state I was in. I looked at him worriedly, and then up at Koichi, who smiled back down at me, quietly speaking,

"Everything's gonna be okay, Meto." He probably said that more for MiA's sake, because I wasn't really that worried. He then stood up slowly, getting MiA some water from a watercooler, and forcing MiA to drink it. Koichi was always so caring.

We were called into a brightly lit room, and Koichi wheeled me in, instructing MiA to wait outside with Ruana-chan. The doctor was a middle aged man, who seemed quite upbeat even though he was working late. He immediately noticed my cut lip and bruised eye, before asking if anything else hurt. Koichi explained,

"He says his shoulder hurts too."

The doctor sat me down to examine me, asking me to remove my jumper and t-shirt. I handed them to Koichi and he stood in the corner of the room, holding my clothes as he watched what the doctor was doing.

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