Part 4

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Until the fan service. Yes. That's what I hate the most in this band. Fan service. We were just about to finish 'Kaze to Chinou' when I realised what was about to happen. MiA and Koichi were busy playing their guitars and yelling "PAR-DON MY HARD-ON!" every 2 seconds while Tsuzuku started to wonder about the stage. I watched him carefully, my mind trying to focus on the drums I was playin, but I still managed to watch him. He looked left and right, then at the fans, asking which guitarist he should visit. After multiple shouts and screams (no names could actually be recognised from the fan's voices) Tsuzuku skipped over to MiA, approaching him from behind. He wrapped his long bony arms around MiA's waist, pulling their bodies close. Screeches could be heard from all over the room. MiA smiled and gazed into Tsuzuku's eyes, which seemed to be sparkling hungrily. I honestly wanted to cry, but I still managed to half-heartedly play the drums. Tsuzuku bought his lips to MiA's neck, planting kisses along the smooth skin. Even more screams filled the room, making my ears ache... and my heart sink. Weren't the fans jealous too? Why did they love it so much when we kissed? I couldn't pull my eyes away, and I knew Koichi was concerned as he was slowly edging closer to me. Tsuzuku lifted his hand to caress MiA's cheek, before harshly turning his head and forcing him into kissing him. MiA kissed back. I couldn't stand this torture.

The song was so close to the end but Tsuzuku told us before the life that he wanted us to play a little longer before the interval. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. I was so sick of being silent and watching Tsuzuku do that to MiA. I'm pathetic. Hah - like I'd ever be able to do that with MiA anyway. But... if only one day... No. Tsuzuku continued, as MiA effortlessly continued playing his guitar, even with Tsuzuku clinging to him. Tsuzuku's hands roamed aimlessly over that perfect body. Why was he doing this for such a long time?! Surely the song should be over now. Everything just got confused in my head: the strobe lights and the fans became a blur, the music made no sense and I felt very light headed. I couldn't take anymore. I bashed at my drum kit, ending the song randomly, then running offstage, tears obviously escaping my eyes. I forced my way past the crew in the meeting room and darted for the changing room, slamming the door behind me and sinking to the floor. My makeup had smudged slightly, and I smudged it more by wiping the tears from my face roughly. I hate myself. About a minute later, I heard the rest of the band enter the meeting room.

Surprisingly it was Koichi who spoke first, "Tsu, what the fuck were you doing?!"

"Oh I was expected to know that he was gonna get upset like that?!"

I'd caused an argument between two very close friends. I shouldn't get so jealous of one person. It was just fan service! It wasn't real! I don't need to be so upset. I heard Tsuzuku again,

"You talk to him then!"

Silence fell again for a few minutes before footsteps slowly approached.


It was ...MiA?

"Meto-kun? Whats wrong today? You've been so shy all day... you've been so shy quite a lot recently. And it's like you don't want to speak to me anymore, even though we used to be good friends... is something troubling you? Why are you so upset? Have I done something wrong? I don't like coming to work knowing that I'll just be ignored or avoided by my friend. Why are you doing this Meto? Please, I just want to sort it out."

It was mean of me to be like this to him. I sighed, my heart throbbing but I still felt calm. I started to think, 'Maybe today is the day. Maybe today I will confess to MiA! Maybe... I won't know unless I open the door right? No... that's stupid. Fairytales don't exist and wishes don't come true. I'll open the door, stare at him and he'll be really angry at me. No more MiA x Meto. No more love. No more Meto wishing to be with MiA. Actually... That's perfect! Maybe having MiA yell at me will change my mind about him!' I slowly stood up, breathing in and placing my hand on the door handle. I pushed it down, opening the door slowly to reveal the male. He was stood there. And he was crying. His eyes covered in tears, his makeup as smudged as mine, he bought a hand to his face and covered it. He's so beautiful - even when he's crying. Red lips trembled as he sniffed and cried, salty tears fell from his eyes, sliding across his smooth skin and staining it with sadness.

"Why Meto-kun?" he asked me in a whisper, "I miss you."

I had to do this. Although I wasn't entirely sure what 'this' was. I just needed to do something. Something that felt ...natural. I cautiously brought a hand up to his face, catching a tear on my finger. He was a perfect doll that I had broken. I took his wrist gently with my hand and pulled it away from his eyes, revealing the pained expression on his face that made me ache inside. Suddenly my mouth opened. I wasn't ready to speak, but I had a strong urge to love him. I always have had one.

"B-b.." I stuttered hard. He moved his hand slightly to look deep into my eyes. "Be.. be.." I was so nervous. My hand was shaking so much. It was finally an appropriate(ish) time to confess my love and it felt so impossible. "Because..." I had come this far, I had to say something. But what if confessing my love caused problems for the band, for MiA? What if he thought that my love for him was disgusting? My heartbeat had never been so fast in my life!


"I love you!"

Both MiA and I gasped in unison. I turned to see who had spoken for me. Koichi! He continued to talk, and I glared, which made him giggle even more.

"MiA isn't it obvious?" He spoke, "I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this day to come and it's finally here and I was so scared it wouldn't go correctly so I just had to help out! Really, youre both so stupid"

MiA covered his face again. "Meto-kun?" He spoke quietly through his hands, "Is this true?"

"Y-Yes... MiA... I... I love you." I was still so nervous, my hands shaking, I didn't have Ruana-chan to clutch onto - it was just me and two much taller males. My body was already sweating and it continued to do so more as MiA slowly removed his hands again.

"Meto-kun" His voice so perfect. His face was... blurry? "Meto... Kun... I..."

I passed out.


I HAVE RETURNED AND THIS ISNT THE END OF THE STORY! (yes oh dear there's just a little more planned... just a little though) :)

I'm not sure if it sucks or not. Sometimes I'm like 'Yeah this sounds good~' and then I'm like 'What am I doing.'

I think I used a lot of ellipses.

I changed the cover of the story also hahaha and please comment/vote - just let me know what you think of this part pleaseseseeeeee :)

I.. I love you! (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now